
Stepping Stone {Abaven Meeting}



7 Years

08-30-2014, 05:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2014, 05:11 PM by Bass.)

At last everyone had come, although there were at least three wolves missing. Abigail, Vendetta, and Umbra had not shown up, telling him that they were no longer among his numbers. He sighed softly, leaning against his sister slightly as he looked out at his members. "Thank you everyone for showing up and showing Abaven that you are still among our numbers, with our family." He flinched slightly, this talking was not very pleasant on his injured jaw. He flexed it slightly, waiting a moment before he went on. There was going to be a lot of talking, he needed to get used to this. "I would both like to welcome Motif as your Azgrat and Quelt as our new Kashkar. He challenged me for rank, meaning that no one can challenge for that rank for two weeks now." He paused, both resting his jaw and letting the members congratulate his members.

Moving on, he closed his eyes for a moment. This next part was not easy. "There has been a lack of wolves showing up for training, or coming in late. This is not acceptable if we wish to go as a family and a pack. From now on, failure to show up to one meeting will result in a demotion of rank. If you do not show up a second time, you will have to challenge either me or Motif to prove that you are still part of this pack -- or leave." He knew that this was a rule that may not be taken well, but he needed to be more strict to keep an active pack. "Of course if you are not well, you will be excused. I will not force you to fight while hurt or sick."

His golden eyes scanned his members, a small smile on his face. He was still trying to get over the hurt from losing his fight for Irune, but he needed to focus on his pack. "Also, the Kashkar rank has been put in place and Qelt challenged for it, Naharar is now the beta rank and considered to be almost as high as Azgrat, and will help run the pack. This rank will be able to accept wolves into our rankings, as well as be in charge of all the guard training. This rank will be able to be challenged for as well." There, that was all he needed to say. Letting out another sigh, he looked around again. "If anyone has any questions or concerns, now is the time to ask. If not, than this meeting is over and you may leave."

*OOC: posting order doesn't matter for this round, just everyone post again please! You wolf can stay and ask a question, or poof. Second round due by September 13th*