
bearing the olive branch


05-14-2013, 11:53 AM

All thoughts of betrothals, valhalla - and yes, even Epiphron - were slowly fading from his mind. Standing here as a diplomat of the Kingdom before a strange and overwhelmingly massive chief of another land was more than enough to dissolve such trivial matters. The excitement of Insomnia being so near was still lingering in his eyes and face, but he tried his best to retain whatever might be left of his composure. It certainly hadn't been the greeting he'd expected - as he'd very seriously forgotten she even lived here - but he wouldn't change it now even if he could. It had done wonders to quell his nerves, and as Gargoyle so eloquently put - break the ice. "...and a few ribs!" Maverick would tag on to Gargoyle's phrase with an exuberant amount of humor.

Comments were tossed back and forth between Cynrik and Insomnia, but the Prince found himself tuning out ever so slightly. His focus was primarily upon the mountain of a man Gargoyle and whatever he had planned for the Seracian company. The mountain spoke of his intentions, the first being for the party to enter and be escorted to the Glaciem caves. From there they would be announced as guests. Along the way there would be chatting and swapping of questions. It all sounded reasonable enough. A question was given by the mountain and Maverick's ear flickered with interest, brow furrowing. "A polar bear? I can't say I have seen one. Do you have them here?" Did that count as his question? The boy wasn't sure, but it was already out so he'd have to go with it. With a quick glance to Cynrik, Maverick stepped across the borderline and sidled up beside the mountain. He tilted his head toward Insomnia, curious to see if she would remain with them or be dismissed. He hoped she would stay - even for a short while. Somehow her presence did wonders to bring out the side of him that he believed to be the best.

OOC, yes, Maverick is referring to Gargoyle as 'the mountain' :p
