
One Lost, is now Found.


08-30-2014, 05:59 PM
It wasn't long before the brute's mother joined he and his sister; she spoke of how she was sure that the call was his father and uncle. Ryker hoped that she was right, even though he thought so as well. The call was all too familiar, it had to be his father. audits turned towards the direction from which the howl came, trying to listen for any other sound. Aqua blue eyes with a fleck of emerald green in each landed on his mother, whom was being chased after by his rather concerned sister.The wolf knew his sibling to have many various sides to her personality, yet he had rarely seen her be so concerned or uncertain. Even when Ryker had appeared by her, she had spoken his name with uncertainty. The brute knew his sister and father had always been close, she almost seemed like his favorite child at times. Despite her treatment by their father, it was always due to her being his only daughter. With a small smile] and a roll of his eyes, Ryker knew she would always be daddy's little girl. What was he to Thane then? What was he to their father...Ryker had always seen himself as the mixture of Ookami and he, indeed he was though.

After a moment or two of following his ever so eager mother and concerned sister, all talking ceased as their gazes fell upon the two figures before them. It was truly them, his own eyes took in the sight as Ryker stood behind his mother and sister. They listened, listened as his dad spoke of what had happened, and how terrible he must be, and all the while answering some sort of question he didn't understand, asked by their mother. Words came out so quickly, reached his white lined ears, and the wolf's head started to shake side to side.

Resnera was the first one to break the ice and deny his words, she was the first to greet him and go up to him. Ryker smiled before speaking up himself.

"No." he simply said

"I agree with my sister, you are our father, and I would rather have no other but you. I've missed you, we all have. No blame or accusations nor grudges come from me. Look at the man I am now father, look at the man you made me into. Be proud, or I am to have such a great and loving father and family." he said before walking up to him and pushing his head into Thane's side.

Ryker felt like a pup again, he felt happy to have his old man with him once again. The brute nuzzled his father's side before stepping back beaming with a smile. He would look towards his mother, it was her turn now. Ryker also felt that their mother should be the one to tell Thane about Ravine..he also couldn't bear to..