
Mighty fine and she's all mine



5 Years
Extra large
08-30-2014, 06:12 PM

He couldn?t deny that he enjoyed the smug look that would cover his brother?s features, it was good to see him feeling so accomplished. Scorpion had all faith in his brother, now that the girl would stand before him he was even more impressed. She was exotic, dainty, and beautiful. A perfect diamond for his brother. She?d smirk proudly as the feeling of his newest song would appear as a lick on his leg. As the girl told him that she would accept a tour his form would turn to address Virtu, the tiger cub was growing. Slowly, but with a few good meals he was already looking better. Nudging the little cub to follow he?d flick his tail to have Soliloquy and Isolde follow. All there really would be to show her was where he and Othello slept. A cave that was able to hold her and their children. He was almost sure that she and Atka were out, but there was always a chance they?d see them. As he came to the entrance he?s nudge Virtu into the cave. "This is where I?ll leave you."
He had met her, now he?d let his brother get back to whatever he?d had planned for her. He was impressed, for sure, but really he didn?t expect any less from the pale boy. "Soliloquy can show you the rest of the territory." He?d wink at the boy, and turn back into the den.
