
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.



7 Years
08-31-2014, 12:05 AM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

Another great sigh would escape his maw as the distant thunderstorm seemed to grow closer to this serenading area. Heavenly painted landscape was growing dark and full of shadows, nearly surreal for the land in this part was dedicated to only the heavens and life above earth. The light seemed to shrink with such ferocity at the idea of darkness rolling in, and yet in a calm, undisturbed way it the ivory painted trees and vines would seem to sigh and ready themselves for a night of sleep. As if their job was now done, they would cease to shiver or flee at the idea of darkness, something so intimate and curious to this male. He appreciated taking the time to determine the personality of his surroundings. Each land he would discover, or return to had it's own waves of persona. He liked to determine each and every one and take note of their current feelings towards the earth.

As of now, he could feel the disturbances in the distant. Like a calling the massive beast would grow more and more calm as the thunder would roll closer to them both. That perfect area between excited and at peace, that was where he was. This fae was all he could have wanted and more at the time he had spotted her, and yet that distant storm was more than a comfort to bring him back to reality. Although.. Being honest with himself he was fighting to keep control of the situation, keeping himself from ravishing this doe without her very permission to do so was a form of pain most agonizing to him. And so, he longed to hear her speak, to hear the voice of this galactic siren ring out into the open.

The breeze would pick up eventually, tussling at the pelts worn by them both, not becoming one as he would near her visage. His obsidian nose, scarred with a human trinket which gave him a feeling of edge around physical contact with others, (and thus feeding his hate for the jewelry he wore) would then touch ever so gently at her laid aud. The warmth of her pelt mixing with the devil-brute's smokey breath, a heavy musk would come over him, mane and thick hackles rising to give him the appearance of a bear-like animal. Unkept hue now appearing more rough, would suddenly feel weighted down. He had hardly noticed the rainfall that had consumed them both. Her scent would deepen, mixing with that of the rains above. Petrichor and heat would take over his nostrils, and his chest would expand and fall quickly as he attempted to breath it all in as fast as he could. Growing rigid his body would tense slowly more, his feet now lifting and settling like a prey animal, wary of the ground it stands upon for something was driving it to be uneasy or excited.

Suddenly her vocals rang out, and like the song of an angel it hit his auds so hard his golden optics would close in an attempt to hear every syllable that much better. Her list of compliments made the brute stop and wonder, practically unable to understand what she was saying, only that she was speaking. He wasn't the type to take compliments so well, and instead his somewhat modest self said nothing for a while, only a small smirk would appear in silence across his tense maw. Pulling away for a moment the brute turn his golden bit nostrils towards her cheek. Finding it difficult to gather his words together for his mind was it's own thunderstorm of bad thoughts. A loud crash of thunder would shake the tree's around them, and the beast ket his ground, "They are not that impressive, for I usually do as little as possible to take care of any of it." He had to admit to the doe with some humor mixed in to his excited tone he could hardly form words through his heavy breaths. Nuzzling her still, he allowed his great maw to mess and fiddle with the spots adorning the starry eyes dove. He felt the sudden clamping of her jaws within the scruff of his neck. Unable to really form words at this point the excited brute would practically dance in place, as rigid as he could be his pelt stood on end, a low growl seemed to extractively leave the bowels of his throat as she bit down, causing his some discomfort, though the immensely sensual feeling sent am overwhelming shiver down his spine her words tipping him over the edge into a frenzy.

Her soaked pelt seemed to catch against his own as he stepped towards her, pushing his weight against her chest with his own. Golden optics would flash open in a sudden realization of the storm overhead, though he could hardly care at this point. His joints shivered as the excitement was all but too much for him, the goddesses beautiful frame now formed ever so elegantly within the flashes of the lightning above, printing the canopy over the scape with each flash. Words were not unable to form both mentally and physically for the male and he could do nothing but act on her will, his own jaws suddenly opened, his maw wrinkled back, and his ivories then gripping against the doe's scruff, at first in a series of gentle bites as to not break skin, but enough to apply a sting of sharp pressure and disturbance, finally in one last bite of a few he gathered enough and made his way fourth, teeth rigidly holding her where she was for the time being. Thunder crashed and lightning lit up the skies. Perhaps it was the approval of the god's, though if it weren't, then there would be one who would attest to it.

Fade to black...