
It Hurts So Much

Pontifex I


05-14-2013, 12:38 PM
Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. He could feel it in the air, in his very bones. Something had happened. Somewhere in Alacritis, something had happened and Pontifex could feel it. What it was he didn't know for sure, just that it was wrong. His gut twisted with uncertainty and the first thought that broke into his mind was his sister, Loccian. Where was she? The last time he'd seen her was when he'd tried to coax her into a hunt, which had ultimately been a failed attempt. It had been several weeks, maybe a month or two since then? It was ridiculous how easily he could loose track of his siblings. He needed to find her. Maybe she knew something about why he was feeling like this?

Onyx and gray paws drummed against the earth with a purposeful stride, nostrils flaring as he searched for Loccian's scent. She couldn't be far. For some reason she never was whenever he called for her. There. Her scent. She was close. Pontifex turned on a dime, his stride lengthening in an aeffort to reach his sister at a much quicker pace. His golden gaze fell upon her lying gray form, her paws held over her facade. What was wrong? Loccian he called out softly, slowing his pace until he was right infront of her, nose gently bumping hers, a quiet whine slipping past his closed jaws before he spoke up again. What's wrong Loccian? Did she too feel that wrongness in the air?