
Sixteen Candles


05-14-2013, 01:33 PM

The dame was a great ball of fur and wild energy. How many times had she streaked across these lands? She had, at one point or another, explored the vast majority of Alacritis, she was known by Valhalla, several of Seracia's wolves, Glaciem knew her well... she was a high spirited dame. Difficult to tear down, and damn near impossible to damped her mood. Today, however, she was tearing across the land, not just for exercise, but to visit a dear friend, a young lad that the elder fae had grown quite close too, it had been a scarce few weeks since his trip to Glaciem, but she wasn't needed desperately and with a soft spoken word and an approval from Gargie, she bolted. Strong limbs propelled her heavy bodice across the land, flying, zipping through the snow and then the trees. Despite her growing age, she still maintained her speed, she knew in other year or so it would start to wane, but for now... she was a blur of color. Speed had always been her greatest ally.

The path to Seracia, was fast becoming habit for her, she had come sporadically, at random times to check up and to visit the young Prince, she had teased him once that the wolves of Seracia were going to turn green with envy if he continued to spend so much time with her, he had laughed and nudged her playfully... her were they to deter their friendship? She felt like a motherly figure, or perhaps an elder sister. He leaned on her, told her things that bothered him, things that upset him, she never judged and she did her best to aide him where she could, if nothing else, a willing ear and a kind word. He had made it abundantly clear, that she no longer needed to wait upon the borders, that she was welcome to his home whenever she chanced to visit and so, when she hit the border, her gait didn't slow.

His scent surrounded her but came from her left, altering her course, the line of trees broke, cows surrounded her, an open field of them, she paid them no heed, whipping through the masses with agility and dexterity that rivaled uncanny. She was on a mission to find Maverick.