
Light Em Up!


05-14-2013, 01:52 PM

"Precisely," he would utter in the gravest of tones. The King could only imagine the pain and torment such a creature could cause if he ever got near a wolf who wasn't prepared to evade it. Elphaba had been hurt and she'd had a decent plan, who's to say another wolf might not be killed by the beast? That was a risk the King couldn't afford to take. He was willing to live at peace with the cattle, provided they did the same. This one was not abiding by the unwritten treaty - and therefore had to be taken out for the sake of the whole. Already battle plans and arrangements were festering in his mind, boiling and concocting into a powerful blend that would lead to the bull's demise. He knew who he would call upon, knew who he could trust to get the job done. They would be rewarded magnificently for their risk - and hopefully for their success.

Her humming was a welcome reminder that he was in the presence of another, and should not be ignoring her for the sake of battle planning. He would have time later to get his thoughts organized. He ceased his war tactic mind and listened intently to the melodic notes. They were barely audible, but certainly pleasant to the ears. "That's lovely," he would comment, whether to himself or to her the King was not quite sure. Whatever the cause, it had been said, and was truth. "You never cease to amaze me," he would say in response to her comment about the mantra. Gerhardt had only just met the woman, but knew instantly that her loyalty was unwavering. She would go far in Seracia - he could feel it in his very bones. She was so different, and yet so very much like him. It was astonishing if not amazing at how little he knew about her, yet he was increasingly comfortable in her presence. It seemed she was a kindred spirit, and he was thankful for it. He'd lost one kindred soul only recently, and was glad to have another at his side.
