
Peace In A Place Of Beauty


08-31-2014, 06:07 PM

Ahh, so they were members of Covari. It was fairly knew from what Allen had heard in passing and rumors. To top if off her aunt was their leader. A line of nobility... he hadn't expected such, but well, one said to expect the unexpected. The calico brute would give a nod, finding the question quickly turned around on him. Did he belong to a pack? "Not yet, though I am on my way to joining one soon." The male would admit. He had noticed how when he mentioned her boys her face with glaze over with happiness. It was clear she cared for them very much, and it was so beautiful to see. Allen's expression would shift for a moment, bright smile fading for the moment.

"I'm going with my nephew... he has five children and his mate died giving birth to them. I want to help them, to try and give what comfort I can, you know? You only get one family after all." He would slowly shake his head, dark gaze settling on her again. "By how your expression changed when I mentioned your sons I could tell you'd do anything for them too. It is wonderful to see. You must be a great mother." He would tilt his head to the side however, a question on his mind but not willing to ask it. She bore the scent of no male on her coat... so where was their father? "If you don't feel you'll be gone too long, maybe you'd like to walk with me for a little while?"

"Speech", 'Thought'