
One Lost, is now Found.


08-31-2014, 06:26 PM

Ookami smiled at her love as he answered her comment. Her tail swayed swiftly as she was over excited to see Thane once more. It has been years, and that was to long to be away from him. Her appearance did show the ageing of the woman, she and he were getting there in age. Her emerald green eyes did not leave him, this time her body would let her move. She did not go thought, she let her children approach their father. The words that Thane spoke made her stomach turn, he was not a bad father. She did not understand as to why he would say such a thing like that. Ookami knew that Thane did nothing wrong, and she would always love him no matter what would to happen.

She watched as the scene unfolded between her children and her love. She smiled, a first smile in a long time. It soon faded as her love spoke of Ravine, her eyes fell to the ground as her tail fell still. She knew he should know about their son, yet the truth was to hard to speak. Ookami decided to respond to his first comment before she told him about Ravine. Walking slowly to Thane she soon meet him with a nuzzle her head rested upon his shoulders as she closed her eyes. "You did nothing wrong my love. Don't ever say that about your self again. You are, and will always be, a great father and husband." She spoke as she moved to look at him. She licked his muzzle and spoke once more. "So i never want you to think or say that again my love."

It was time to tell him about Ravine, He needed to know and by the looks of it her children did not want to tell him. She looked at him, her eyes showed sorrow, and remorse. "Thane, Ravine, He,....... When that side of the cliff fell, and The children and i fell in. Ravine was taken away from us by the river. I....I...I could... Not.... Help Hiim." She said, as she choked the words out like her throat was stuck. She looked at him in wait of the response that he was to come to it. Ookami was not sure what was going to happen after this. She only hoped that Ravine was ok.