
Slavery is a crime[Joining]


05-14-2013, 02:34 PM
This place didn't seem too scary, not to phase the boy at least. The young wolf blinked his red orbs before looking around for any source of light filtering through the smoke lifting into the sky. From what he had heard, Tortuga was a pack you didn't want to mess with. Of course, he'd be going against his brother by doing this. The light red wolf really didn't care. Perhaps the large scar across his muzzle would convince them he could be of some use. Dragneel had an odd urge to serve people, but he also had his own conscious. The way the world worked was a crumbling mess anyway, so what else could he do in the first place. He flicked his black tipped tail and moved his head to that his right eye was facing into the territory. Where a white patch outlined it, the patch and the black tipped tail are what marked him and his sibling as related. Only his brother, Natsu, had the white patch on the other side of his face. The good guy of the family, while Dragneel had been the misunderstood follower with a high endurance factor. Training wasn't odd for the brute. He may have not looked like much but he was smart.

Respectfully the boy dipped his head at the border. Nervous as it was, he kept his shoulders laxer to show that he meant no threat. His pink tongue falling over his snout as he tried to get the thirsty feeling away from his throat. Those innocent red looking eyes patiently waited for a higher up to come judge him. Hopefully, even if he wasn't seen s worthy they'd take him as a slave. A Dragneel was looking for, was a place to feed him if he fed them in return. And gave them protection as well.