Tip, tippy toes,
08-31-2014, 06:51 PM
Teeth met fur and flesh, clamping down on at least the upper half of the ear the chaotic women would begin to move her weight back, fully intending on ripping this ear to ribbons. Though it was strange that this one wasn't putting up a fight at all, perhaps too shocked? Whatever the case the chaotic women took this it into her own advantage, if Mekala proved to pull away it would only cause far more damage then what Morgana was doing alone. Ah well, their loss, not something Morgana would care about in the least. The first steps in the bloody path she would forge, given the time. Though other things had been coming to mind, only if she could find a suitable male.
Morgana Vs Mekala for Maim of the Left ear.
Round 3 of 3
Defenses: None.
Attacks: Pulled her weight back once having a hold of the ear.