
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.


08-31-2014, 08:14 PM

Thunder continued to roll and lightning offered continuous, brief breaths of light. Shadows retreating momentarily as the electric currents would burst across the heavens. The storm grew all the more furious, though, that did not matter in this heated, passionate moment. All that mattered was the lust that consumed her. Licking at her every cell as if it were venom. Rushes of warmth would pass through her vessels, igniting her libido into a passionate rage.

She could not help but question what would happen after their encounter. Her desire to see this man again may not be shared between the two, but who could resist her beauty? The succubus knew she craved this man to worship her - to follow her to the ends of Alacritis. Though, she would not voice these wants. She wanted him to want her. Ah, maybe it was a matter of pride. Pride in which refused to confess she wanted a man's continuous company.

Her Hades seemed to hesitate when compliments poured over him. Though, it did not seem to be entirely because of the compliments themselves. The man seemed distracted. Perhaps from the delicate timbre that licked her onyx lips. Her voice was one that even angels would envy. Feminine and clear - mirroring a voice heard in ethereal music. The beast would speak and words seemingly repudiated her lyrics of admiration. Though, it seemed to trail off with a bit of humor.

Chills were sent across her body as his nuzzled kissed her face gently. Warmth and tenderness in which she had been long deprived of. Memories could not recall a time in which a male had taken a moment to fondle her. Interactions with men had always been straight to the point. As foreign as this tenderness was, she found it quite enjoyable.

Though, the tenderness ended when she had lashed out the male in her much more familiar ferocity. The growls that escaped the man's throat warmed her fire all the more. Creating a burning passion that could not be put out with a mediocre encounter; however, she was confident this man would be able to deliver. Canines had passed the dreadlocks upon his neck. She could feel his skin give in to the sharp blades that protruded from her gums. Though, teeth could not sink deep enough to draw the metallic liquid from his body.

The man's overwhelming strength pushed against her chest in return. It felt as if the man was trying to possess her body. Though, fur and flesh refused to allow his soul to enter her body. She could feel his powerful heart beat against her chest. Her excited heartbeat seemingly matched her newly found devil's heartbeat. Such a dance they would create. Bodies would collide and hearts would race. Thunder would continue to roll and lightning would illuminate two intertwined bodies. Mmm, a dance of devils or blooming love.

The man satisfied her thirst, though, after their encounter something still pleaded for her to stay - to get to know this man for more than his physical capabilities. Rapid breaths escaped her maw in pants. Limbs and body trembled slightly from the flood of excitement and pleasure. Soaked body made its way to the man's left side and gently leaned into him. Nose pressed gently beneath his jawline as her tongue offered a few kisses.

Don't leave just yet. Stay the night with me. Pride had lowered its unbreakable shield allowing her to ask the man for further company. Her heart, though blackened, still craved to be cared for. To continue to feel this foreign tenderness this male offered. It was a source of light, faint, but still a light in her dark, eternal prison. Simple acts that offered peace in her forever tortured mind. Because with him, her shadowed thoughts vanished - allowing love back in.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts