
even a god-king can bleed



7 Years
08-31-2014, 08:46 PM

Too much. Too much was happening. The Matriarch had been standing at her mate's side, supporting him in his verbal onslaught on the cursed cousin, her silence speaking volumes for her. She was vaguely aware of other voices around her, of Phoebe's sudden presence at her side. The only thing she was trying truly to be alert for was the positioning of her three young children. Part of her wanted them gone with the non-family, safe from the harm that witnessing this chaos could do. But the other part of her, the Olympian part, knew that they needed to see this. They needed to know where they came from and what awaited them in their futures.

Something came between Natalya and her thoughts though, drawing her attention from her youngest children to her oldest living. Apollo. She heard the distance in his voice and understood why she hadn't noticed him before. He was just far enough away that she couldn't smell him without searching. She would have been excited to know he was there, but a series of small events immediately replayed in her head. It made sense now. That small pup voice she'd ignored, the woman comforting it. Helios had told her about his argument with their son. Natalya had hoped that she would have the opportunity to speak with him as a mother, but he had been absent. She'd assumed that he had left them for good but... He was here. With the child that she'd abandoned for him to find.

It was apparent to her now that some of Helios's words had been directed at their son and she was beginning to understand why. The woman who stood with him was another of the wretched sinners that dared share their name. Natalya's eyes narrowed into a glare as she turned her blind gaze between the two traitorous cousins. "Apollo, you would love her knowing who she is and where she comes from? Your grandfather's death came at her family's paws because of jealousy. They would've lived comfortable if not for their rebellion." Her attentions turned back to Charon, her voice rough. "You claim to wish for redemption, but how can you prove that you are not simply a pawn in your family's wretched plan? We need more than your simple words before even considering letting you reside among us, let alone letting you live."