
The youth is naive , wisdom is what we need.


05-14-2013, 02:56 PM

Desdemona would watch, her two toned eyes studying the wolf before her with something akin to indifference. Neither openly welcome, nor dismissive, her eyes would remain neutral, awaiting whatever discrepancy he would have with her. She imagined most of these conversation would be held with outrage rather than establishing the character of herself but she was willing to take it, such an abrupt, complete swap in power was sure to make some uneasy wolves, but she was open and willing to meet with anyone who wished approach, she imagined this would be only one of many.

She would listen to his words, glancing at the limb he mentioned, nodding her head to show that she was listening. A hum would rumble up through her vocals, hardly audible, once he had finished as she sat for only a moment to contemplate her response. She would toss her head to the side, motioning for him to join her. "Walk with me." Desdemona had never enjoyed standing still, she preferred to move and speak, hopefully the male would be willing. She waited until he had fallen into step beside her before speaking.

"Do not fret Ulrike, I have not forgotten you or anyone else that have been loyal to Tortuga even before I joined its ranks. My intention is not, nor will it ever be to cause any of you harm. I merely place a tournament to determine my betas. Strength, honor, respect, I'm looking for much more than just a test of skill. I'm looking to see how the wolves of Tortuga handle themselves, how they treat their fellow comrades. If your leg causes you grief, you needn't compete unless you would like too. I refuse to be so cruel." She would pause, allowing him a moment to absorb her words. "What rank did you hold before my reign?"
