
Surreal's Future Pack



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-01-2014, 12:01 AM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2014, 09:03 PM by Erani.)
Okay, so, someday, I will be either Challenging, or Creating a new pack, led by Surreal. I'd love for all those who will be interested in joining this pack to give me some feedback, and also to tell me if you're in or not so we can do some threading! <3

Yes, Surreal will be a much stricter leader than Erani was. IC actions have IC consequences. During Erani's time as an Alpha, I had trouble with people letting OOC mingle with IC things. I admit to allowing my OOC feelings to prevent Erani dealing a great deal of Alpha's duty to wolves who repeatedly broke pack rules, or were inactive IC. This will not be happening With Surreal.

If Your character falls inactive, or breaks the IC pack laws, they will receive IC punishments, Demotions, and evictions from the pack.
The only time I will step back from this personal rule, is if you can give me a notice that you cannot stay active, and can give me an IC reason for the character's inactivity (Serious Illnesses are a very good way to make up for no posts while you're setting real life problems straight.)

I will be doing monthly cleanups of the ranks, removing any characters who haven't posted more than twice in a month. I will also be having Surreal call a Pack meeting every two Real Life months. If we can keep the pack moderately sized, it should be easy to get a pack meeting done within a two month period, mm?

I would like Pack hunts to be held every three real life months, maybe? Pup characters won't have to attend these, of course, nor will Elders or Mothers (Unless mom just absolutely has to get away from the kids for a while, of course. XD)

As for hunters, I would like a hunt thread for just the hunters and lead hunters of the pack to be held each month. These can be sprees to keep the threads quick.

I would like Healers meetings to be held monthly. Yes, everyone who plays a healer in this pack is expected to post, and I suggest leaving notes for yourselves to make them less easy to forget. As stated in the Pack Laws below, demotions will occur after three missed meetings.

I would like to see a lot of spars and fight training threads for the warriors, and general members. This is a great way to gain experience, both IC and OOC, and the characters seen to be working hard at their skills as warriors may be rewarded with possible promotions, and many other IC rewards. I will also give OOC rewards (Tables, avatars, general art! Free gifts. Help with Gemstore Purchases.)

Generally, I truly want to see this pack thriiiive. I want threads pouring out like Niagara Falls. I want this pack to be buzzing with wolves. It will be my baby, and like any Mama, I wanna see my baby thriving and growing (But pretty please, not above the member limit :P)

I will need lots of help preparing and practicing my fight writing skills, ironing out all the wrinkles in my skills (I have a bad habit of forgetting my lefts and rights, my positioning, attempts, maybe a little clarity, and so on.) Which means lots of spars. Don't let me forget to post to these spars, but remind me in a way that I don't feel badgered or heckled (You know me, if I'm pushed too hard, the muse croaks.). I want to get good at this, and Challenge, and I want to get my confidence that I can win an important fight back.

NOW! Let me show you what I have thus far. It's a WIP, and some things might change. I haven't come up with a firm color yet. The Rank names and where they sit in the Tiers may be subject to change (I know Shelby already has Athena as an Alpha, and may not be able to handle being a secondary Alpha too, and having to keep up with so many mandatory posts can truly be exhausting.)


List your members and their intended rank.

Pack Name: Celestial
Pack Color: #7AA2CF ?
Alpha Name: Surreal
Link to Alpha's Account: Link!

List what your intended ranks and laws will be.

Tier 1 Rank: High Queen
Description: The main Leader of the pack. Her word is law, her voice to be heeded, and her war cry to be followed.

Tier 1 Rank: Consort
Description: Husband to the High Queen. His main duty is to stand by the Queen's side in peace and in war, to sire Children with her, and her alone, and to Cherish, Defend, and Protect. He is her relief, there to ease the strain of leadership. He may deal out punishments, demotions, and evictions of members, as well as accept new members to the pack, or turn them away at the borders if they cannot meet the requirements of the pack.

Tier 2 Rank: Prince Heir
Description:The Firstborn Son of the High Queen. He will be trained to take over leadership of the pack when the High Queen and Consort step down. With guidance, he may accept new members, call meetings, and enforce his parents laws.

Tier 2 Rank: Grandmasters
Description: The two wolves, usually one being male, and the other female, though it doesn't have to be so, that are the second in commands to the Queen and Consort. They are the enforcers of the High Queens laws, and may accept new members, call meetings, evict members, punish wrongdoers, and demote or promote wolves. They are equal with each other, neither truly taking dominance over the other.

Tier 3 Rank: Weaponmasters, Lardermasters, Medicinmasters.
Description: The six to twelve wolves in charge of the packs Battle training, Feeding, and Health.

The two to four wolves in charge of the warriors of the packs, both Lord Knights and Lady Knights. They are in charge of keeping the warriors fit and battle ready. They are equal in rank to one another.

The two to four wolves in charge of leading hunts to feed the pack. They are generally the most experienced hunters in the pack, and must lead the hunters of the pack in hunts often to keep the pack fed. Neither is higher in rank than the other, being of equal status.

The two to four wolves who hold the highest knowledge an experience in healing. They are in charge of caring for the worst illnesses and injuries, teaching the less experienced healers in the Craft of healing, and keeping the pack healthy and strong. These two wolves are of equal status to each other.

Tier 4 Rank: Lord Knights, Lady Knights, Huntsmen, Healers
Description: The warriors, the hunters, and the healers.
Lord Knights:
These are the male warriors. They must train constantly in order to remain fit and battle ready. They may take up to two apprentices in fighting each.

Lady Knights:
The female warriors of the pack. Like the males, they must continuously train to keep strong, fit, and ready for a fight.

The hunters of the pack. It is their duty to show up for hunts called by the Lardermasters, without fail, barring injury or illness. They must be quick, agile, and have high stamina. They may train up to two apprentices per huntsman.

As the rank name suggests, these are the wolves whose duty it is to tend the injured and sick of the pack. They may train up to two apprentices per healer.

Tier 5 Rank: Lords, Ladies, Mothers, Elders, Apprentices, Children
Description: The middle class members; members that make up the bulk of the pack. They must pull their weight if they are able, but if they are not, then they must only enjoy their twilight years, motherhood, or pup-hoods as best as they can.

Lords and Ladies:
The males and females that have not earned a higher rank as yet. Despite having no set duty, they must pull their weight and prove themselves worthy of being a part of this pack.

Females who have become pregnant, or are nursing Children. They are to be cared for, and protected with ones life. They are to be fed first after a hunt.

The aged members of the pack, who have outlived their ability to keep up with the battles and the hunts, but are too stubborn to keel over yet. They are to be revered, treated with respect, and their stories and knowledge must be heeded.

Wolves who have reached the age of a year, and are under training in fighting, hunting, and healing. They are required to at least learn a bit of the other skills beyond the teachings of their main choice in service of the pack.

New born lives; pups aged up to a year. Upon the cusp of their first year, they will be given tutors in the skills they need to survive the world. While they are this young, they are to be protected with the ferocity of a mother bear. An adult must be with them at all times to defend them against dangers.

Tier 6 Rank: Peasants, Prisoners, Villains, Traitors
Description: The wolves who, in one way or another, have found their way to the bad side of the High Queen's temper.

Those who are of the lowest rank you can get without being in serious trouble. Generally, Peasants are the members who have failed to uphold their duty in the pack.

Wolves who have trespassed violently, harmed a member of the pack while trespassing, or are wolves who were captured in battle with an enemy pack. Prisoners of war are to be treated with civility; a kindness given, is a kindness or favor that can be repaid someday, depending on the nature of the prisoner. Violent trespassers may be held up to a season until they have been sufficiently punished, upon which time, they are released with a warning of never to return. Those who have harmed a member of the pack, and been captured, are held until either an execution date has been set, or they manage to escape, or they have been released. They may be maimed, but never tortured.

Villains are wolves, either trespassers who have severely injured, or killed, a member of the pack, or wolves of the pack itself who have seriously displeased the High Queen. These are wolves who will be given a dire punishment before being forced from the pack. Maim of the eyes, tongue, genitalia, or limbs will be dealt by a high ranking wolf, or the High Queen, and then the wolf will be banished, without healing from any of the healers or Medicinemasters of the pack. (Depending on how the player feels, an execution can be plotted out. May be a way to kill off a character they no longer wish to play.)

These are members of the pack (but not for much longer), who have committed the crime of Treason. These are wolves who have leaked important information to an enemy pack, and have been found out. A full investigation will be made, before the traitor is maimed severely, often crippled, blinded, or receive the removal of their genitalia, removal of a limb, removal of the tongue, perhaps even removal of the lower jaw. The most severe punishment is a brutal death, by disembowelment, especially if any members of the pack were killed or injured due to the machinations of a spy or traitor. (This may or may not be avoided by plotting out a way to avoid killing the character, but in all, IC actions will be met with IC retribution) There is a chance, for a wrongfully accused wolf to plead their case.

Laws: What will your pack laws be?

The High Queens word is the law. It is her right to have a say in all lives under her rule, from her Consort, to the lowest wolf in the pack. Members are to come to her if they wish to mate, have children, or leave the pack. They are to come to her to announce a wish to challenge for a new rank; she will not deny them the chance to prove themselves.

When the High Queen calls a meeting, all members beyond the rank of Child are required to attend. Those who do not arrive for meetings will be demoted. Three chances are given before a member will be evicted from the pack due to lack of attendance.

Apprentices are required to attend all calls to training sessions with their tutors. Those who do not keep up with their training may not progress to a higher rank upon reaching the age of two, and may even face demotion.

Huntsmen are required to attend all group hunts called by the Lardermasters. Any Huntsmen who do not attend will be given three chances to make up for his or her lack of attendance. If, by the third missed chance, the Huntsman in question has not upheld his or her duty, the Huntsman will be demoted to Tier Five.

Healers are required to uphold their duties as a Healer by attending any meetings called by a Medicinemaster. Any who fail to appear at these meetings will face demotion to Tier Five after three chances are given.

Knights are required to uphold their duties to the pack by attending all meetings called by the Weaponmasters, to attend patrols with Grandmasters and Weaponmasters, and to protect, defend, and fight to preserve the packs safety. Those found to be shirking their duties, will face demotion to Tier Six after three chances to make up for lack of duty. There is no excuse for a lazy fighter, save illness and injury.

Mates and children are a welcome part of life, but members must first speak with the High Queen for permission to take a mate outside the pack, from an allied pack, or from an unknown pack, and to conceive a litter.

All members must speak to the High Queen if they intend to be outside the territory borders for any amount of time. An Estimation of when they will return, and explanation of the reason they will be gone is required, so that the High Queen will be assured of their safety, and can send out a search party should the member not return safely within the given estimation of return. High Ranking Wolves are especially required to obey this law.

High Ranking Wolves, Tier Four and up, are expected to be active in all duties expected of them. Promotions are not something given lightly, and the wolves these promotions are bequeathed to must continue to earn the rank they were given. Those found to be slacking will be demoted to Tier Six, and possibly severely reprimanded.

Alliances, Peace Treaties, and other such interactions with other packs are to be respected at all times. Wolves found to be sabotaging an Alliance or Peace Agreement will be demoted to the lowest rank in the pack, and kept under guard at all times.

Trespassers who do not respect the borders will be attacked on sight, and forced from the territory. Rogues and wolves of other packs must make their presence outside the borders known, and wait for the arrival of the High Queen, Consort, Prince, or Grandmasters. So long as they remain outside the borders, respect will be returned.

Patrols are to happen twice daily. Two Knights, A Weaponmaster, and a Grandmaster to a shift. Knights, Weaponmasters, and Grandmasters found not attending to their shifts will be reprimanded, given three chances, and should they not make up for the lack of duty, demoted a Tier, down to Tier Five.

Lords and Ladies have duties as well. To help where help is needed. To attend pack hunts every half season, twice a season in Fall and Winter to assist in keeping the pack fed. To join in battles when they are needed, and to guard Mothers, Elders, and Children, the wounded, and the ill in the event of a siege. They are required to have a paw in the care of Children, guarding the pups while Mothers take some much needed alone time to rest. Those who fail to uphold their part of life in the pack will be demoted to Tier Six, and if they continue to fail in their duties, they will be evicted from the pack, and left to live their lives as a rogue.

You harm the pack, and you will regret it. Trespassers who attack members of the pack can expect to be seriously maimed to the point of being crippled. Depending on the severity of the attack, a violent trespasser could risk being slaughtered on the spot. Attacking pups is the ultimate way to get yourself killed by an angry High Queen, or any pack member.

Wolves wishing to join the pack must undergo a test. If they wish to join as a warrior, they must prove themselves in a spar with a high ranking wolf of the pack. If they wish to join as a healer, they must prove they at least have some skill in the craft by solving a test riddle set by the Medicinemaster. If they wish to join as a hunter, an animal of prey (rabbit, hare, or any other small mammal or fish) must be caught successfully. If the wolf passes the test, they may join.


It's what I have so far, And, again, I would love suggestions on names, rank names and ideas, and so on. Are ya in, are ya out, yada yada! <3 you all ^^