
The Boys of Summer [OPEN]


09-01-2014, 10:03 AM

Albion froze in place, hackles rising. A chill came over him and he could not help but wonder why that voice sounded so familiar. It was not the voice itself, necessarily, but perhaps the accent. a hint of something familiar. It wasn't until he turned to face the intruder that he understood why. That face mask, the marks under her eyes... Anger bubbled up in his stomach. Where in the gods names were all these cursed Ebon nobles coming from? The second in as many weeks, and Albion was not happy about it at all. His eyes narrowed, and he turned to face her, displaying his own royal mask even if he lacked royal blood. His blood was scum, or so they would have him believe. No, he knew there was value in all wolves, even those without pompous pedigrees. "It's probably none of your business," Albion said cooly, refusing to give any substantial answer. It was not in his nature to enjoy haughty-taughty wolves, especially those who acted that way because of the false privilege their blood allowed. Better get out of here, he thought to himself, Before you go and start something again. He turned away from the fae and began to continue his trek. What would she make of him? He had all the marks of being well-born but he wasn't. Would she know that? It had happened before, ex-Ebony wolves coming upon him and lavishing the male with all the graces they thought he deserved. It made him sick just to think about it.

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