
have you gone out drinking


09-01-2014, 01:19 PM

Occ: I didn't mention the hook/toe slam seeing her front feet would be more near his rear end then his front. But you didn't specify if it was the front right leg or rear leg <3.

Ashen ears would remain pinned against her skull, eyes narrowed and lips curled back into a silent snarl. That tail remained aligned with her spine in case of a sudden need to shift to either side to help balance her weight; those toes remained splayed and gripping the ground. That scruff remained scrunched to protect her scruff and deny him a possible hold there. Teeth met fur and skin but with the shaking of her head left and right, that metallic taste filled her mouth, that sweet tasting blood and aroma that only made that ashen body shudder with delight. Flesh was flesh, no matter who it may come from, the sweet taste of blood was something she longed for; having gone far too long without it's delicate taste. A shame really, but now that was behind her.

With her still having a hold of the sternum area of the chest, the ashen women would let it go only to move that head further down along his body; those teeth aiming to sink into a most vulnerable area on any wolf. The soft lower under belly, Morgana would rinse and repeat her earlier actions; aim to grab a hold of the soft under belly flesh, then shake and tear in an effort to cause more damage. Morgana was not going to make this easy for Rentaro, he just may end up with quite the glorious scar from this. A sharp pain ignited within her as his teeth cut into the skin above the right shoulder blade, no cry of pain was given as her body would only shift to the left in an effort to escape those fangs of his. There was little else Morgana could do, save for hoping that her attack on his lower stomach area would cause enough distraction or pain to force him to let go.

Morgana Vs Rentaro for Dominance.

Move 2 of 4.

Attacks: Let go of the sternum/chest area to attack the lower belly area, grab and then tear.

Defense: Narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tail aligned with spine, scrunched scruff, lips pulled back, splayed toes for grip and balance.

Injuries: Scraps onto of the maw, light bruising in the right chest/shoulder area. Puncture wounds above the right shoulder.