
have you gone out drinking


09-01-2014, 06:01 PM

Facing the male straight on so suddenly likely had been a surprise for the heavier brute, he proved to avoid her gaping maw only to leave a stream of blood flowing down the side of his cheek. An annoyed growl would rumble in her chest and throat as she found her right front limb within the males maw, forsaking it as he moved to shove his shoulder into her throat. Shifting her weight slightly to the left, Morgana would pull backwards to both soften the blow to her throat and to free her limb from his maw; despite the scrapes Morgana proved to inflict upon her self with this movement.

Her own muzzle would dip towards him, this time in an aim to grab a hold of the right side of his neck. If a hold was gained, she would bite down and then pull backwards in an effort to both throw him off balance but to cause puncture and tear wounds as well. Her eyes narrowed, ears tucked against her skull, toes splayed and her weight shifted backwards among her three free limbs to help with balance. That tail aligned with her spine, being used to keep her balance while those knees bent just enough to hold her weight and allow flexibility.

Morgana Vs Rentaro for Dominance.

Move 4 of 4.

Attacks: Aiming to grab a hold of the right side of his neck, biting down as she pulls backwards.

Defense: Narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tail aligned with spine, splayed toes for grip and balance, bent knees for flexibility.

Injuries: Scraps onto of the maw, light bruising in the right chest/shoulder area. Puncture wounds above the right shoulder. Bruising along right side. (Minor at point of impact.) Scrapes across her right front limb.