


09-01-2014, 06:26 PM

                    it is the faint click click of nails scraping against rugged rock that abruptly ensnares the pallid tyrant?s attention, neck craning to her right as she regards her pursuer through the peripherals of her vision. the miniscule silhouette of a child manifests from the entrance of the cavern, mildly intriguing the phantom as a singular brow quirks inquisitively upon her scarred forehead, robust body pivoting in the direction of the vulnerable tyke to grant herself a better view of the frail creature. her decadent countenance retains its infamously apathetic guise even as recognition strikes, abstract gaze fervently scrutinizing every curvature of lithe muscle lathering the whelp?s { her neice?s } lanky physique, judgment ridden within the disdainful gleam of her eyes. there was no denying that the child was her most-loathed adversary?s -- the girl lacked even the slightest hint of vehement intent nor did she appear to possess a fraction of battle prowess; but was the girl as incompetent as her mother? surely the elysius? immaculate genetics had not been entirely tainted and overpowered by devya?s weakness.

the saccharine statement withdrawn from innocent jaws forces the ghost of a smirk to tug at her own frayed lips, skull tipping forward slightly in confirmation of the child?s speech as sinewy appendages propel her sluggishly towards the girl. { the remnants of her family, however nameless she is. } ?you are ares?, are you not?? she inquires, avid pupils minutely flicking towards the cavern?s mouth as if expecting her brother?s presence at any given moment -- or devya?s. surely they would be appalled to learn of their daughter?s association with she.

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]