
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.



7 Years
09-01-2014, 08:02 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]


Within the heat of the moment the brute was unable to contain himself, and post passion he felt a surge of comfort float over him where he stood beside her, obsidian maw nuzzling gently, and passionately at the fae's scruff and aud where he had grabbed earlier with his powerful jaws quite forcefully with such grit behind his jagged ivories. He knew he had most likely made his mark upon this doe in more ways than one, and within every inch of his being he felt such satisfaction and content fulfillment. He wasn't about to leave the goddess divine beside him, let alone ceasing to touch every it of her as the night would go on, and he new it had only just begun.

With a content sigh the tired brute's heavy, quick breath was beginning to slow, his heart rate slowing down and returning to a normal level. Golden optics would close as his golden pierced nostrils would flex to take in the scent of this doe, the goddess who was now his and always would be if he had anything to say about it. He took in as much of her as he could, this obsidian, ivory, and starscaped goddess was a heavenly angel who he knew had to have been sent to him as a gift from above. Everything about her made his hackles stand on end, and his heart begin to race. Even her name, Venus. He whispered within the confines of his busy mind. Exhaustion took the brute over, and he felt a sudden surge of energy flow from his relaxed figure. His thick stems, still somewhat damp were shaking ever so lightly.

His lungs continued to fill with the air around them, heated though beginning to cool with the night air, the heat radiating from them both continuing as they stood, though the brute suddenly felt the cool sinking of the mud below his large paws, the sand slinking between his wide, gripping toes. The feeling suddenly hit him like a wall of relief, and without thinking he seemed to part from the angel beside him, only to lower himself like a mammoth would to the earth below, slowly dropping himself into the cool sand with a grunt of exhaustion, his unkept, ebony hue suddenly growing damp and relief overtook him. Golden optics would roll closed with satisfaction, as if it could come in such waves to him after such a passionate moment with the one beside him.

Golden gaze shot open as the galactic dove spoke out to him. He failed to reply to her immediately, somewhat confused and surprised by her question towards him. An eagerness he rarely heard towards himself was in her voice, and it ignited something within him that caused a tingly feeling of comfort to come over him. Lying flat still within the earth the brute gave a gentle grunt as he lifted his heavy form up to his feet once again, his left side now soaked in a concrete colored sand and dirt, random black clumps damp with the rains now barely sprinkling over them both. Obsidian hue continued to cling to his figure with such need to touch the skin stretched taught over his thick musculature. Pieces of matted and messy hue stuck out over heavy curves as he raised himself up, gaze somewhat soft as they searched for hers eagerly. Wanting to see the beauty of them.

A small smirk crossed half of his thick maw, wrinkles cursing one side of his muzzle. His vocals were low and still deep within his throat, deep thunderous tones rose out hardly above a mumble of masculinity, "Venus. I wouldn't dream of leaving you now." He slowly spoke out, his gaze searching over the stars cape against the goddesses visage. He then spoke again, raspy but deep voice sounding again, "Besides, what belongs to me deserves my undivided attention and protection. I won't be going anywhere." There was a bit of domination to his tone, unyielding to the dove, though speaking with a softness to it as well, such confidence oozing from the syllables. With his words the brute nuzzled at the dove with ebony kisses and affection to her cheek and neck, the golden ring in his nose blending against her hue once more, hidden as he did so with such tenderness. The bracelet upon his arm would shift and shine against the darkness he blended with so well. The two piercings in his intact ear would flick with ever turn of his aud, standing out against his unkept hue.

As he gave a few slow licks to the dove's cheek he pulled away with a brief shake of his ebony pelt into the shadows surrounding them. A blanket of sand fell to the ground though the brute still felt the need to relieve his aching joints who struggled with the internal scars of battle that had formed. Taking a step forward the mammoth male gently and playfully tugged at the doe's aud that was closes to him, hardly gripping before releasing it as he moved forward, his great figure egging her to follow him towards the pool he had previously emerged from, the make-shift flames who had swallowed the devil before meeting the angel who beaconed him forward, he would return to them, but this time with the angel following suit.