
When Doves Cry



09-01-2014, 09:26 PM

She had been deprived of everything she needed. The devotion of her children, the want to eat a succulent deer, and even the fire of her loins continued to burn bright. The golden goddess was mad and there was only one way she could get rid of such energy: be dangerous. She had done pretty well when she entered the Swamp a few weeks ago. An alligator had taken her for a treat and ended up losing its life. With assistance from a stranger, she had slain him and enjoyed the main course without complaint. Such a memory made her salivate and she moved quickly through the Moore.
Her paws softly squished in the ground, heat from the summer and murky depths of the swamp sticking to her golden frame. Fur became matted and stuck out in various directions as she left the mossy grass to venture through shallow and unfamiliar water. She splashed in various directions, trudging through the mud and the fog that lazily hung above the swamp. Yet, the desire for danger was not quenched and so she still moved.
The answer she was looking for came in the form of another wolf. He was slowly stalking through the marsh, unaware of what was coming for him. Saliva ran down her chin and into the water around her as she imagined unlawful things happening to him. For the first time since her first husband's disappearance, Maija was considering doing what she had enjoyed doing with Dragomir. Memories flashed back and she heard the cries and wales of forgiveness and mercy from her victim. An evil grin flashed across her golden face and she licked her chops with a salmon pink tongue. Oh yes, he was her prize.
She lowered herself into the water until her head was the only part that stood out. Maija moved through the fog, leaf-green gaze remaining focused on the wolf a few yards away. Adrenaline rushed through her frame as she got close enough to rise from the water and touch base with the land. Dirty paws caressed the ground beneath them as she moved, figure nonchalantly showing off the curves she had been blessed with. The inner Pandora that dwelled within her revealed itself and she slowly approached the unknowing wolf without a sound.

She didn't waste any time with proceeding with her plan. Tender words slipped from her mouth, thick Romanian accent dripping with venom that was too sweet to not want. "There are many dangers in the world and you decided to come visit one. Tisk, tisk, my sweet." A dark chuckle left her lips and her gaze turned from soft to wicked in a flash. Tail flicked behind her as the wolf began to set defenses. She walked around him, getting ever closer until her body touched his, fur for fur. Within two seconds, she grabbed ahold of his neck and tossed her head so he would fall to the ground. Stepping over him, she stepped on one of his limbs, breaking it with her full weight. An evil cackle slipped from her lips and as it echoed around them, she cooed, "Oase rupte şi zornăind golgota, oh cum durerea mă transformă pe." She watched his leg as it bled, blood slowly seeping into the ground beneath him. Her eyes met his and she saw the pleading and sadness mulled into one. All she could do was chuckle and she slashed him across the face with a front paw, leaving scratch marks upon his eyes. She lowered her head and bit into his skull, eager to have the pressure cause him to whimper. Maija was not disappointed and his cries rose with the murky fog.

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