
Ill-fated Soulmates


09-01-2014, 10:25 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2014, 10:28 PM by Nikko.)
Okay, so, I just realized that I left out some very key things about the relationship between "A" and Nikko.

The shortest version is: They love each other, but hate each other. Their feelings are crazy intense - but that matches both their personalities perfectly.

Longer version:
A acknowledges that feels very strongly for Nikko. The issue is, he refuses to accept it. He firmly believes that he's destined to die in a battle between himself and his family's murderer(the one whom orchestrated the entire thing). Feeling anything for someone else stands in his way. It distracts him, alters his path. He lives purely to kill the one who ruined his life. Once he accomplishes that, he has no desire to go on living. Feeling for someone gives him something to want to protect, something to live for. To look forward to waking up everyday for. While the idea of love doesn't frighten him, he believes it isn't for him. In a round-about way, his violence towards Nikko is done to protect the both of them from the pain that A is certain will come. Even if it means figuratively ripping Nikko's heart out, A will do whatever he feels is necessary to keep Nikko out of his life.

Nikko, on the other hand, does not even realize that he has feelings for his best friend/greatest enemy. He can't explain why he wants so badly to keep A from enacting revenge. He can't explain why he doesn't want A to run after his own death. His only explanations are "He's my friend" and "I'm a hero." Nikko is not comfortable without A being somewhere near him, being somewhere safe. He can't stand the thought of never seeing his closest friend, nor can he stand the thought of finding his friend as little more than a walking corpse. When he was nearly left behind by A, he nearly panicked, and when A refused to stay by his side, he grew anxious, uncertain, and angry. He felt betrayed, and he also felt extremely confused. He was happy by A's side. He was happy, and even wished to spend the rest of his life by the other male's side. When the thought that he may not spend the rest of his life at his friend's side, he refused to accept it, and he refused to accept that A was literally marching off to his death. Even if it meant breaking A's limbs, he did not want to let him go. Now that he's gone, Nikko is still determined to bring him back.

These two are the definition of co-dependent. Without the other, they're both wrecks - even if A pretends he's fine. If the two were a little more honest with themselves and a little less emotional, the truth is, their personalities would greatly compliment, and yes, complete, each other. A as the stoic, calm current, and Nikko as the brash whirlwind. Despite their anger, bickering, and constant scuffles, being together truly does change each male's views on not only himself, but on the world as a whole. On his own, Nikko certainly feels apprehensive, even if he doesn't act it(truthfully, I think he's too stupid to realize he's apprehensive). He feels as if no one will ever truly know him, like he's alone in the world. A, on the other hand, purposely distances himself. His feelings for the world are turning to bitter hatred, both loathing the wolves who, like Nikko, are ridiculously happy, and insanely jealous that he cannot find happiness. Ironically, it is with Nikko that A is his happiest. It is also with Nikko that A feels the most vulnerable.

So, yes, most of the hate comes from A, and A really is the only one who loves and hates Nikko. Nikko loves A, but in a severely unhealthy way. He can't function well without A. He tricks himself into believing he can, but underneath his idiocy and silly grins, he's broken, and only A has the power to put him back together. Only A can bring Nikko to such an emotional extreme. And only Nikko can bring A to such an emotional extreme. The two bring out the best, and the worst of each other.

OH! On another note, because I just realized it may be confusing, Nikko doesn't connect the dots between his family's death, and A's family's death. To him, they're coincidences. Awful, horrible coincidences. A does suspect something, but doesn't have enough information for him to make any educated guesses. If Castor(Nikko's brother) returns, then and only then will A and Nikko realize just how *ahem* fateful it is.