
Hard Habits to Break


09-21-2014, 05:55 PM

Albion let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. She didn't press after his lineage, thankfully enough, and he wondered at how different Alacritis was from his homeland. Blood had been everything there, but here... She withheld a shrug. If it didn't matter to Rhythm he would hardly dwell on it. Her acquiescence to come along was enough to satisfy the pale brute. He smiled at her own eager showing and regretfully shoot his head. "Not yet, no. There's a den here," he would say, pointing out the hollow beneath the large boulder she'd found him resting upon. "Smells fine, looks fine. There's enough animal sign all around to make me think food wouldn't be all to hard to come by. I was just about to circle the area, look for any markers that might still be around." The size borders could tell him how many wolves might have lived there, after all. He turned and set out in the direction he'd come from, knowing he'd crossed a newly overgrown pathway to find his way into the rock field. It might have been a border trail for all he knew.

It occurred to him that Rhythm, belonging to one of the packs here would probably know infinitely more about this realm than he could. Besides, it might be a good way to pass the time while they snooped about. He turned over his shoulder and spoke, hoping to find her there trailing him. "Abaven, huh? I was raised in a different realm entirely, in a Queendom far away. This landscape is nice, from what I've seen of it, though I confess to being a bit wary. Don't exactly know what I should be on the look out for." He knew many packs were friendly, if stern, with wanderers. They would be turned away from borders, chased down if they encroached, but otherwise would leave the wanderers alone. He also knew there were sorts that would hunt them down for nothing more than sport. The train of thought wasn't exactly cheery but he'd been on his own for too long to not consider these things.

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