
Look who's back


5 Years
05-14-2013, 04:12 PM

Well'p I felt as if I had vanished for far to long. And I certainly was not getting any younger... My apologies, WE are not getting any younger. Can't leave her out of the picture or ele I'd suffer a weeks worth of bitching and migrains.. Now we wouldn't want that now would we? It had been quite some time since I had set paw upon Tortugan lands. Hell, to be honest I hadn't seen the newly reconstructed one at all.. I was more so familiar with the lands that burned up in a angry blaze of fire, and crumbled beneath the molten lava... That was the Tortuga I knew. Surely it wouldn't be much different though. Guarantee its still a blood thirsty pack of mangy mongrels, just looking for their next fix.. Or atleast that was what I was hoping I would find there. If they had gone soft, I wouldn't know what to do... Well.. Leave I suppose, but what about after that? Like I said we weren't getting any younger.. The life of a loner wasn't particuularly the life I wanted now.Sure we could manage, but I chose not to.

As I finally reached the border, a sneer and rather sinister grin crept upon my lips, showing off those dulled, stained and aged canines. A chuckle escaping from the depths of my throat only to slice through the thin air.. Wander who's running this place now? Tilting my cranium to the side allowed the air bubbles in my neck to crackle here and there, releiving some of the unwanted tension. That one, working eye scanning here and there for any 'border patrol' almost hopeing that someone would poke their nosey little heads out of the brush and make a few crude remarks,a little squabble here and there does the body good. Keeps the muscles fit and refreshes ones memory.. Of course my goal for the day wasn't to severe anyones jugular... No, I was returning to simply join the pack once more. Me time was over with. Afterall, the bitch inside my head only drove me mad... It would do me some good to surround myself by other LIVING entities. And what are you implying, love.. That I am not real? Another cackling laugh left my throat, which was only followed by a snarl that caused my entire body to tremble. Now dear, we both know thats certainly not wwhat I was implying. The whole time my grin never seemed to leave my face. The corners of my lips remained curled upwards.
