
have you gone out drinking


09-02-2014, 01:07 AM

It was over in an instant, it was clear the middle-aged women had lost and yet it had done naught to her screaming mind and pride. What is more, the man had proved him self worthy; the fight had undoubtedly been a close one. Something she would have to improve on, it was time to kick her ashen rear into gear and fight more; despite the pain or loss she may obtain. Ah, she knew beauty came in all shapes and forms, what was within counted more then what was before someones very eyes. But this remained to be seen if such a thing was true; tail flicking as those jaws would let go of what they had grasp only to stand up straight once more. That salmon tongue drifted over those lips as those frosted orbs observed the male before her. He was bold claiming that she belonged to him, then again Morgana indeed did for proving his worth.

"Quite a bold claim and yet you have earned such a claim." The cool lyrics left her lips as the women felt that rush of adrenaline leave her. The wound stung and yet it was a good sting, something she hadn't felt in a long time. The bruising would be annoying but Morgana would move on through it, not at all having a problem doing so. It was debatable if she would see a healer, then again Rentaro had quite the new responsibility and that was taking care of her.

"Your pack?" A brow lifted as the chaotic women questioned him, he acted as if he owned it. A bold thing indeed, but he was a very confident one. Stepping forward, the ashen women would mingle her pelt with his own, in a teasing embrace as her tongue licked at the wound upon his cheek. It took a few moments before she decided to speak, being ever so often a mystery in it self. "Morgana Pendragon." The soft teasing lyrics left her as the cup of his ear was teased with a carefully placed lick and nibble.