
I'm Awake and Alive



2 Years
09-03-2014, 01:39 AM

It had been such time since he had lived without a demon whispering in his ear. He couldn't live forever without his constant hunger for battle and blood. He couldn't hide that animal he had become. After all, it was time he really fulfilled his longings for war. Now was the moment to rise to his greatness and potential. He had a chance. The demon cried for more, and so he would give the dark entity what it desired.

He had never been in a fight, though that did not mean he was useless and weak. He was far from being an experienced warrior, as those savage beasts drank their enemies' blood each night with a serve of sweet victory. Far, it was, but the journey there could go ever so smoothly. It was all a matter of repetition, the more fights, the more knowledge. It would only be a matter of time before it all unfolded.

Paws had carried the scrawny creature onto new lands. A wicked glow examined the grounds as scents filled his nose. It was the stench of war and hunger. Many had died on the very surface he walked across. There was only one place of victory and defeat. Only one place for honorable warriors or psycho killers. Only one place of which the lands are scarred just like the creatures that battled before them.

The Battlefield.

Where else could he go to get a chance to fight? The ragged man observed the dying field as he made his way to an open clearing. Not wasting any more moments, he let out a summoning howl, calling an opponent to him. He didn't know who would come and challenge him today, though he hoped another would arrive and begin this long-awaited task. This was no merry stroll by the creek bed. It was time for him to feel awake and alive.

OOC: You can decide how many rounds you would like. 2 or 3 would be best, thanks.
