
Cookies and Cream



5 Years
09-03-2014, 03:12 PM

Novella hadn't intended on starting her own family when she had, it had all come along as one big surprise, first Frith, then the children and then of course the pack. Just a few months ago she never would have anticipated her life reaching the state it had, though parts had been a little dramatic and incredibly worrying now the Destruction woman wouldn't change anything for the world. Hopefully one day her nephew would reach the same happiness, she would wish for it more had she any idea about his troubles right now.

She would walk along at his side listening as he informed her of the various happenings in Sawtooth. "She should come and play with Aslan, Varda and Herne at some point." She was sure that Envoi, Sonnet and Limerick would appreciate the company as well though currently she was simply thinking about her children and their cousins. Evidently they stood a chance at a strong relationship with their aunt and uncles, and she could only hope they'd form bonds with their cousisn as strong as her own with Satu.

Not all of the news would be good news however Saga apparently still had yet to forgive Song a thought that would certainly trouble the Author. "I hope so too." She agreed softly. Her own siblings had gone through rather strained relationships with each other and their parents, it'd been a slow and painful process but at last it seemed that they were a family. "Unfortunately it's not the first time your mother has been on the receiving end of bitter feelings, if Symphony and Howl are anything to go by though Saga will forgive her in time. Just keep doing what your doing, try not to take sides and be there for her." It was sadly the only advice she could give, it was never easy to get caught in the middle though.

[Image: novellabot_zps431b5c94.jpg]
image by lunarcat7