
Surreal x Falk Children


09-04-2014, 09:41 PM

- vid?li -
counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums

Name: Vid?li (I just love this name <33) But still undecided, subjected to change.

Design #: 13

Gender: Goddess

Light to Dark Allegiance: Lawful good for now, as time goes on she still become Chaotic Good.



Vid?li is a well-rounded sweetheart, at this time in her life she is that one angel who will comfort anyone who needs it. The one to give her share of dinner to a starving pup, she is caring and loving to all. There is a bad bone in Vid?li, but she doesn't like to show it. She'd rather have a good atmosphere around her then a bad one. Everywhere she is, is where the happiness grows. Her family gets most of the sweet tactics aside from strangers who will get the slightly cold shoulder of this little thing. She is close to her siblings and will do anything to see them smile. A sweetheart is one serious definition of describing Vid?li.

Not the most talkative pup in the litter, in all honesty she is the most reserved at this point in time. Although when she's hyper there is a change in that silence, but other than that not a peep is heard from her. Sure, she isn't afraid to speak her mind or respond to ones quizzical proposals, she just is that one female who keeps quiet for the most part. It's not so bad, sometimes she can be sought out as the 'distant' one, or as her siblings like to call her 'the weird and shy one'. That is unorthodox, especially for Vid?li, she is not shy, just semi anti-social and yes she is weird -- the good kind of weird.

Generosity came slowly, she didn't know the exact meaning of this until she started physically showing her generous tactics. So now she honors them proudly, anything to get others to see her as the sweet and innocent little girls he is that is what she'll do. Another form of describing her is that she is very reliable, at such a young age she has shown to be very handy in tight situations and reliable in some conditions. Anyone and everyone can rely on her generous hazards.

There will always be that one person who is protective, which is Vid?li. She won't let someone who she comes to love get hurt. With that being said, expect a friend for life and trust her enough to where you can reveal your deepest, darkest secrets. She will take them to her grave before she dares tell anyone, being so young she can be quite sassy when protecting her siblings or her parents (since she hates when others down grade her mother and father). Being the protective girl that she is, it's likely that she will take a bullet for the person she cares deeply about. Rather than them getting hurt, she'd rather be the one in pain. This is why she's a protector not a fighter.

Ah, yes, goofy, she is a silly girl who likes a good game of cat and mouse. She'll most likely be the one to start something with her siblings or simply tease them. She loves to see others smile so she'll try her best to act goofy enough to where they do. Its in her nature to play like a wild hog, since she is a pup and its normal for them to be extremely hyper -- though she is a female who likes her sleep as well. Other than that Vid?li is the life of the party, her outgoing trait is still being sought out but this youngin' is always willing to meet new people (when she's in a fair mood), if this means approaching first then so be it.

Being the apprehensive pup that she is its likely to notice a change in behavior and/or personality, she is always cautious to what she does or says. Worried that is\f she says the wrong thing something bad might happen, or in other aspects that a crime would be made against her. So she's very careful with a lot of things. Vid?li is extremely unpredictable, there's no telling how she'll react to things or better yet strike at any moment when piqued. She's not dangerous, no, not even close, but do watch out because even her parents know she can be an unpredictable little demon.



As she grows older, you will see a vast change in personality. She will become a lot more stubborn, due to the fact at this age many teenagers see themselves as indestructible and "know-it-all" chumps. Vid?li is certainly a high-class smartass, with an attitude that could turn the most sane person into "insane". Since she still developing mature aroma, her mouth can surely get her into some trouble and back-talking her parents will most likely get her punished. Though she still respects authority, its just not always confidential that she won't snap and say things that she doesn't mean (well most of the time). Whatever she thinks, comes spewing out.

Vid?li has developed a head-strong and steel-toned background about her, so now in any type of battle that new profound true dark side of her that never is released, will be shown on the battlefield and she will become merciless to an certain extent to where she will rush into adrenaline and it makes her awhile to stop looking for thrills. Even though her merciless strike is enabled by the push of ones scornful look or even mumbling proposals, it is not always certain that she'll challenge for a fight.

Vid?li can never stay in one place for very long, she always has to be moving. If she isn't then she feels hopeless and useless to the evolving world around her, so you will most likely find her roaming about near the base of the southern borders or finding out in the Whispering Cave -- sometimes she returns home to her parents and siblings, only to see them for a couple of days before setting off again. Never too sure when she'll get up and leave, maybe in the middle of the night? Early in the day? No one ever is 100% sure, she's usually always gone before the first morning lights hit the horizon.

The juvenile is a rebel among them all, she may be one of them flirtatious people but she holds a title above her head. She will expose herself as an assassin and abide by her rules and only hers; no one elses. Due to the fact that her persona is rapidly progressing she is a spunky, normal party-rockin' teen who just wants to run free and live a chaotic life and not have to worry about the littlest things of this savage world. Although as she is an assassin, she has shown to be very serious and distant, seeing the darkness as her safe haven.

She is still the highlight of everyone's day, ever since she was a pup this trait of her has never been subdued. She loves to put a smile of people's faces (like always) and is full of life, completely. She is flirty yes, but tries not to be so she doesn't lead on any guys; the last thing she needs is for someone she doesn't have feelings for, falling for her. She cracks jokes sometimes, and most of them are brash and rough around the edges considering her smartass remarks can get the best of her. Even without her demonic embraces there is still humor is revenge. So with this said, I do hope you respect her the way she respects you (somewhat), if not, don't be surprised when she rips your head off.

Vid?li wouldn't say shes untrustworthy but with people she does not know, like their background and whatnot, then yes her trust level for that person is eliminated right off the bat. She will not throw her trust out their -- you must earn it. If she gets the idea that you are a liar at heart, or someone who is in too harm her or her family then its you who will be ten feet under ground. Until you prove to her that she can trust you, she will stay blunt, vulgar and undoubtedly cruel to you.


❝Loyal❞❝Wise❞❝Compassionate❞❝Dangerous❞❝Intelligent❞❝Born leader❞

She is now a full-grown goddess by this point in her life, and she has fully developed into what she is today. After going through the changes of her fundamentals, she has acknowledged her loyalty to her family and siblings, and to the many people she will meet over the years of her childhood and as a teenager. Its as many predicted, she will become a loyal women who knows from right and wrong and can easily admit to her mistakes. As you could have always trusted her with your life, its grown stronger, the aspects of this she lives by the code of honor; never turning her back on anyone. Though as must loyalty and respect she gives, she expects the same in return.

Now she is ultimately wise and noble, her youth has proven this. After consuming her life around pointless scenarios, Vid?li has accomplished a lot in the time she has lived because of her wisdom and nobility to prove her worth. As she is grown enough to see through bullshit many try and pull past her since she is old now, it is revealed that she will still put you in your place if you try and play her like a card game; trickery and flattery gets you now where with her nowadays.

Although she hates it so much now, unfortunately, Vid?li shows a lot of sympathy to certain hounds, that's her weakness. She can't go a day without aiding people when they need it (and only when they need it). It's just who she is, and she wishes she wasn't compassionate but being the daughter of Surreal who majorly was, she learned form her mother. This is how she is and she's not changing for anyone. But being compassionate doesn't always mean she'll show you empathy for your crimes -- never in her life will she bow down and kiss your feet after you've committed an unworthy worship against something or someone. Compassion isn't given to the stupid, immature, cruel, and reckless ones.

Vid?li is a violent, aggressive, serious, and realist assassin in a lot of ways. She can get angered, but it's hard for her to get mad. Though if you hit a spot in her, she can or will erupt into a blazing ball of fury and most likely will disable you to the point where your lacerated. When in war she shows no mercy what-so-ever and becomes the ultimate executioner on the battlefield, she loves the taste of blood and Vid?li gets an arise when driving her canines into a wolfs flesh or anyone's flesh in that matter. Think of her as a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode or a raging volcano on the count down, when you stroke the mane of a wicked black horse be prepared to witness the true brutal, blood-thirsty beast that she is. There is no stopping her rampage until she successfully gets a kill.

Vid?li is a very intelligent women and will prove anyone wrong if she thinks they are misinterpreting something so she fixes their mistakes, not caring if she sounds like a know it all. She knows anything and everything about the way of life and since she was very well into poisonous materials she can easily predict whether or not something is toxic or deadly (this trait also comes with her assassin morals).

Vid?li was born to lead, ever since she was a pup she's had that urge to be Queen. Rise in the ranks and fulfill her dreams of running an Empire not a pack. She has proved many times that she was born for this role, and she'll keep proving it until she is crowned Queen. Her bold, wise, and noble tactics now that she's old is enough to run even the largest of Empires. She is certain she can do it, and until that day comes she'll keep fighting.


Base color: #3D0C02

Overall markings: #79443B, #A52A2A, #480607, #703642, #B87333, #DEB887

Paw color: #6F4E37

Marking around the eye: #EDC9AF

Eye Color: #FFBF00


When Vid?li is first conceived she has nary as much markings as she does when she grows up, though her overall coat is a dominate color of dark bronze that eventually fades out into a lovely lighter shade of brown -- almost tan tint. She is a galactic little thing, designed with beautiful collages of a milky-way galaxy that are the glorious shades of varies bronze colorings. Her forelegs are a shade lighter than her whole being, a faint fondue of desert sand that collides into a splash of chocolate brown once more -- which are her paws. Still as she is a pup technically not all of her markings are introduced just yet, that is, until she sprouts into a adolescent. At this stage in her life she is not exactly the runt of the litter but she is pretty small unlike her other siblings. Small petite body, with little ears that are the same exact tint of her base color and lighter bronze that is still there as she gets older. Most of all her markings and shading darken in her early teens. Back to her paws though, they are enormous, compared to her entire frame they are the ones that usually pop out aside from her bulky textures of what little puppy muscle she has. Vid?li is constructed very well, her beauty isn't mistaken and her aroma is that of a goddess sent down from the wondrous galaxy.


While Vid?li gets a little older, reaching her teenage years, she starts to develop more of her markings and the color of her coat darkens (just a tad bit). It now generates more bronze highlights than before, leaving little to no color of her used-to-be dominate base. The darker shade of her fur starts from the edge of her black nose, canvasing up along the whole of her face tracing down her skull and laying out two twin tiger stripes on both sides of her scapula (closest to her neck) then running down her upper back(spine). This color ends only a couple inches from her tail bone, then abruptly erupts against her entire bushy tail. Another shake that corresponds directly underneath the base color, which is a lighter tint that the rest of the varies bronze paintings (taking on the abstract tone of a tarnish brown). This color only caresses on the opposite side of her ears then falls out along the dominate tint.

Other than those two there are many color schemes making up her skeleton, a more lighter shade, almost russet color begins to appear, fading out into some magnificent tones of bronze and brown highlights. Though if you travel down the length of her bodice you'll find that she has a thick underlying patch of a brilliant golden chocolate brown that is the body of her underbelly -- this part outlines half of the darker bronze part that is located near her neck and that is the last you see of that color. A dark maroon color scars and outlines half the dominate paintings, but still the dark shades of bronze inhabit only a tad of her legs. As you get down her radius, all four of her legs fade out into a brightly toned earthly color, yet her paws darker at the very least of brown.

Vid?li's face is structured around the russet and tarnish brown markings, on either sides of his muzzle is a small stripe that descends up the center in between his eyes, with only three tarnish brown stripes index inside the russet background. Eventually the fine stripe will end at in the middle of his skull which erupts into the circular tarnish brown mark that imprints the russet in its center (basically just a large circle shape on her forehead). Another coloring is designs after this one, which continues with the russet paint that creates a fine shape that drops down on either sides of her head just above her eyes and below her ears. Half her mouth is highlighted in this tarnish brown color. Two twin, smaller circles (just like the big one, same in color) is positioned directly above both her eyes. Last but not least, around her oculars imprints a lovely marking that is outlined against the small black corset of her eye balls then dishes out a fine swirled indent at the end of its trail while her eyes in particular glow a stunning golden yellow.


Now she's an adult, the change in both aspects of persona and appearance are doubled. Her body is no longer a light shade, it is a bright, vibrant color. Every inch of her is darkened to some degree, making all of the paintings on her bodice pop. A marvelous, goddess is well built with many muscle fragments aligning her being, its as if she sprouted from a star. Her eyes are no longer a light shape of golden yellow, they are dark in tint -- taking on the role of Amber. Vid?li is a truly beautiful sight, and her physique shows all her wonders.

Roleplay Sample:

Darkness, a black void of wonder, that's all a little tempest saw. That was, of course, until the flickering of tiny eye lids pried open. What was once shielded in dark shadows was now a tremendous amount of galactic hues, coiled with the endless volume of midnight galaxies above her petite frame. A vessel piped a soft yawn once blinking a couple times to adjust its sight, the very first time too ever lay eyes on the world that evolved around her. Tiny body rustling against her other siblings soft fur, and her mothers massive foreleg canvasing the side of Vid?li's. As the small figure began to take the first step of her life, slowly and cautiously to not harm herself int he process. Once she got a tad bit hang of moving one paw in front of the other she'd only make a fair enough distance from her parents and den-mates as possible before she'd tumble sideways on her hind.

Those bright flames of pre-lit candlelight stared out into the vast landscape, its shinning brighter than the fading moon as morning edged closer to its wake. Although the little stars that sparkled in the sky only brought more wonders of the world forth to Vid?li. As if she hadn't seen such things, well that's the point, she hasn't. Take this into thought, she's a pup, just learning how to ear, see, and walk. So, this is all new to her, and aside from these beautiful sterling lights flooding out in front of Vid?li the touch and feel of the earth felt marvelous between her digits. It was then that a soft snoring sound came in tact with her tiny ear drums, making them ring from the echoing chimes.

Vid?li would stay up 'till the first rays of morning light peeked through over the horizon, thus she'll depart back to her mother once hearing the shifting of her father. Once again she battled it out against the hard surface, carefully placing one paw before the over until she was by one of her siblings side. Curling up close to her mother's soft pelt, taking in the varies scents around her before tipping her small crown down beneath the blanket of fur and falling into a deep sleep.