
Without You [Blu]

Aislyn I


Extra large
05-14-2013, 06:16 PM


She watched the woman shy away, which wasn't exactly expected, but she wasn't surprised it happened. She could be fierce when need be, another reason why she made an excellent beta. She spoke, making Aislyn think over her words. Blu... Why couldn't she remember her? She went back in time, memories replaying over and over, searching for any trace of her... and nothing. She couldn't remember her, not even during meetings. A smile flicked over her features. She couldn't remember, but she would act like she did, for the woman's sake. "Blue. Forgive me, my memory escapes me at the worst times. I remember you now, and you are more than welcome within the borders." Pools of vivid blue scanned the woman's body, noting the missing leg and scars from the eruption. She had been battle beaten by the volcano. How could they have left her? Surely she couldn't have gone unnoticed. Then again everything had went to hell at that time, making a head count on every member almost impossible. So many wolves had gotten separated during the eruption, many of them ending up dead. Words cut through the air as Chronos made his move, hackles raising, teeth baring toward her. How dare he. The ivory dame snarled, lips curling, ears pinning, muscles tensing beneath her coat. "Last time I recall you abandoned your pack during the eruption while I alone tried to keep a head count on over 30 wolves. Many went missing, got separated, even died, and you want to but that burden on me? You act as if I can control nature." Words dripped down like venom. She was livid. How dare he say those things? She was beta for a reason, and if he needed a reminder of that, she would gladly give it to him, old age or not. "Doesn't seem like I alone was the one who "left her to die". Where were you when she got lost during the eruption?" She took a step forward, eyes narrowed, tail flagged up, defenses set. "Do not forget who you are speaking to. I am the beta, and if you need a reminder of that, i'll be happy to dish it out." Last time she checked he couldn't handle the responsibility, and not only bailed on his pack, but Blue as well. If they came back in search of a home, she would not welcome them with open arms if he continued to act this way, especially toward her.