
Tricks and Mischief [Nnoitra]

Loki 1


6 Years
03-11-2013, 02:18 PM
Delicate, patterned pads struck the earth with purpose. Each paw was lain with the wicked intent of the last. She was a serpent, wicked and vile, scouring through the trees, eyes aching for a new victim, a new toy. Her mind was a whirling carnival of tricks and mischief, begging, pleading to be unleashed upon the world. Her sinister thoughts were oozing with disaster and a lust for pain. She would sit back and watch the world burn if she could. Such was her nature, such was her hatred. She was not good by any definition of the word. She was a foul, hideous creature whose outside only projected the most beautiful of purities, a mask to hide the cynicism that lingered within her soul.

She twined between the trees, slinking through the increasingly familiar territory with purpose. Emeralds that she had deemed her eyes absorbed everything, memorized every rock, tree, and spec of dirt that marred her path. Her memory was not something to be trifled with and she had already had a week to memorize its borders. It was too bad Valhalla had moved. She could have told them every dirty little secret about her old pack. Loki had no feelings toward Valhalla, she neither hated, nor particularly liked the group. She was indifferent, she just liked trouble and would have no problem betraying them. It wasn't personal, she was just cruel.

Her thin and lithe frame came to a halt, eyes piercing through the stillness of the forest as the sound of footfalls reached her sensitive ears. Audits swung forward, ebony as a starless sky and watched with grave amusement as the alpha... no, the ex-alpha sauntered into her view. Her mouth lit in a wicked grin and she stalked towards him. She invaded his personal space without hesitation, and brushed the length of her snout against his own, a rumbling purr bursting from her larynx.

"Nnoitra... your name comes with great infamy although I have never had the honor of your visage... I do believe a congratulatory nod is needed, you managed to ruffle Cairo's feathers... not an easy task, highly commendable. My name is Loki." She purred against his fur and pulled away. She did not seek his aggression. Her power came from a game of wits, not from a test of strength.