


05-14-2013, 06:16 PM

Desdemona had been made Tortuga's Queen, she had flipped the order of things, Kaien has asked for death and Morphine had been banished when the bitch refused to stand down. She didn't exactly condone the death of the previous Alpha, but for his own dignity and as a finally request for mercy, she had heeded his request. Bathed in his blood, Desdemona had returned to Tortuga unscathed, announcing her reign and everything she intended to accomplish within the next few weeks. Her words had been met with mixed reactions, but she would allow them to lounge in the shadows no more. She was a dame of pride and accomplishment and she would demand more from the lazy isle of misfit toys.

She wasn't sure if they would grow to respect and acknowledge her as their leader or not, but she would do her best to keep herself open and available should any of them wish to speak with her. The dame would snort, a puff of air leaving her nostrils as she prowled the surrounding territories of Tortuga. She had taken a few hours to reflect, to think on all that had occurred in little under the span of a week. It seemed for the most part, that Tortuga accepted her as their leader, whether begrudgingly or not, it seemed not to cause too large of a stir, far less than she had been expecting.

A foreign scent caught the dames attention and the behemoth figure would turn. She was a towering forty-two inches, bottoming out with thick muscles near one-seventy. An intimidating sight for certain, at least... to a sober mind. Her two toned gave, one obsidian, one crimson would seek the figure that had eluded her thus far and her vision would fall upon a slender dame, missing an eye and covered in various scars, Desdemona would dip her head, a polite hello. "What brings you so far east, stranger?" Her vocals were deep, a resounding baritone as she eyed the woman before her.
