
To second encounters


09-03-2014, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2014, 11:24 PM by Ambros.)

The sun had settled in its rightful place before he would ease into place in the brush. It was already well into the morning but as they hadn't said exactly what time, and he had expected her to spend time with the members of his pack, he had been prepared to lie in wait for the remainder of the day. If she didn't show,.. he would perhaps feel a bit of sadness, of anger and gather the tastes of disappointment in his maw to carry around in disgust for a few weeks. The idea of being so worked over made him anxious. The fact that her touch has made his skin burn since they parted ways, thrilled him. The fact that he knew very little of her, that she could never show and he'll never see her, saddened him.

Ambros, I am glad I got to meet you and I would very much like to see you again tomorrow. Its what she said, thats what she said. Wasn't it? Shaking his hefty head he tries to shoo the dout he held from his head. Just because she hadn't arrived didn't mean she wasn't going to come.

The day was another hot one, so his form would settle amongst tree line, sprawled into the dry brush. On his way over he had taken a dip in the stream, rolling around in it to free himself of his meal that night, but he had failed to get all of the red stain off his mask. Yes, had groomed for her, taken a bath. If she didn't show maybe he'od go back her a little visit, rip into some bellies. Did she say what pack it was? A great huff of fustrastion left him, his form rolling completely over so his eyes could peer through the brush at the direction in which she had left him. Would she come? The sudden memory of her leaving words made his body shudder, oh now they teased him now. I must be going now, Ambros, good night and I shall see you tomorrow... hopefully. Hopefully? Did she have doubts that she'd show? That he'd show?

His form rolled, rejecting himself the privelge of starring into space as his eyes snapped shut. His body was fatigued, his paws and legs ached even though he couldn't remember how they got to be so tired. Hopefully... He muttered to himself, his form giving a final roll, allowing himself to once again stare in the direction she had left in.
