
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.


09-03-2014, 11:22 PM

Scruff ached from the devils grip upon her flesh. It was a welcoming pain, one in which flooded her body with pure pleasure and satisfaction. Ah, an encounter she wanted so badly to occur again. Her Hades would nuzzle the area affectionately, perhaps to soothe the continuous throbbing pain. This wolf, her devil, was the first man she craved to accompany her in life's adventures. Though, unknown to her at this time, it was a fleck of love blossoming inside her heart - confused with a constant reminder of her puppeteer.

The succubus contently listened as the man would sigh - perhaps a breath of pleasurable satisfaction. Indeed, she knew how to satisfy a man's hunger. Marbled eyes watched as the man would lower himself into the liquefied terrain. Surely he was exhausted from such exercise. The muddied soil painted the male's dreadlocks. It actually looked comfortable and if she were not so concerned about maintaining her galactic beauty, she probably would have lied beside him - wallowing in the refreshingly cool temperate the mud had to offer. Though, she simply could not stand the ounce that seemingly made its way between each delicate toe.

A surge of relief would wash over her when the man would decide to raise to his limbs once more. She felt out of place standing over the man. He was, after all, her tower. The muddied soil covered his masculine frame in such a way it made him look all the more enticing. The substance helped to make a creation that appeared fierce and powerful and she yearned for the man to claim her as his.

The words to follow would satisfy her in ways she had yet to understand. All she knew is that she gravitated towards him as if he were her own brand of drug, a drug in which was entirely personalized for her in order to create a moment of otherworldly euphoria. Euphoria in which she simply could not do without, and if forced to do without she would seemingly forever chase mediocre drugs in search of the same feeling that would never again be achieved.

Then another sentence would fall from his lips. The words would send chills of eroticism throughout her body. She was his - she belonged to him. A statement of possession. Ah, it thrilled her and satisfied her so completely. He would be her devil and she would be his personal succubus. I would rather be claimed by you than any other. Something holds me to you. . . Something about you is just different. Different in a good way, but foreign. Tone would reflect her confused emotions, perhaps the male would help her understand.

Kisses to her cheek and playful tug to her ear would make the gal grin shyly. Ah, grinning is something she could not simply remembering doing and for the first time in forever, she felt completely happy. And so she would trail after the male into the pond. Cool liquid licked at her ethereal pelt. It was a relief to wash away the muddied soil that had clung to her paws.

A surge of bliss would course through her body, a sort of puppy-hood that she had been deprived of. Body leaped and bound playfully around Goliath. Water splashed over the male as she gleefully bounced in circles around him. She then found herself tugging at the male's scruff as if she were trying to pull him sideways into the water. And in this moment, for one time in her life, darkness had seemingly parted ways for light to shine through with all its radiance.

ooc; sorry for the delay! had some family stuff pop up

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