
The youth is naive , wisdom is what we need.


05-14-2013, 06:56 PM

Looking at the dame, Ulrike could see that she understood where he was coming from. He stood there waiting for her to speak, and once she did her words were a simple "walk with me". She said and Ulrike nodded a simple agreement that he would not mind taking a walk.

Ulrike calmly stride next to her with a slight limp. This was small but surely others did noticed it.Ulrike knew that a lot of other wolves, younger ones mostly, thought that he was weak due to his leg. That never bothered him though, he knew that they were just young and still had time to grow.

His full attention went to the dame who had begun to speak.He listened to her and waited for her to complete what she was saying. He was pleased as to what she was talking about.Once she was done talking Ulrike turned to her and spoke."I am pleased that you had not forgotten about us. As to the competition thing, this is wise i give you that, I agree that the most loyal should hold the ranks in the higher tiers. As to me participating, i would like to do so. I held the rank of Shirei before you came to power, I will participate, but i need to know that even if i don't get anything higher that my old rank, i would like the minimum for me to get is Shirei. I see that this might not be fair to the younger wolves in the pack, but i worked hard to where i am i will not take anything lower." Ulrike looked at Desdemona and spoke once more.

"I really hope that you take up me on my offer that i just proposed." Ulrike stopped talking at that point, now he was waiting for what the dame had to say on this matter. He only saw it fair. Hopefully she did as well.
