
The Return Of The Music



11 Years
09-04-2014, 10:34 AM
ooc: i wasn't sure if anyone else wanted to post before i threw cas up but i'm not sure how much i'll be posting for the next few days so <3

Castiel had not been aware of Amia's approach, still believing that she was back at their temporary densite. Still, the white boy would not be particularly surprised when she bounded forward, full of energy and joy. One thing that he had learned about her was that she rarely stayed put for long - not that he minded. He enjoyed her energy. And she belonged here, probably even more than he did.

It was hard to stay upset when Amia was around, however. Despite the fact that she greeted those around him, she was close to his side, nudging him gently. The male turned his golden gaze towards her, letting a gentle smile cross his features. Easily, he moved to nudge her back, controlling the movement so that it would not be particularly strong should it connect with her body. He wasn't aiming to hurt her, simply to have a little fun during this strange family reunion.

The only thing that could distract him from the brown female was a soft voice - an answer to a question that he hadn't dared asked. Castiel lifted his head, golden gaze seeking out the white form of his mother - and when he saw her, his heart stopped in his chest. "Mother?" It was a soft whisper, barely escaping his maw. For a moment, he was a little boy again, staring adoringly up at the woman who had raised him. But now he looked down at her, for he was larger than she was now. He had grown larger and it almost seemed that she had grown smaller, folding in on herself.

Erani was the first to break the spell, leaping forward to cover him in licks and kisses. Castiel closed his eyes for a moment, letting her affection wash over him as he nuzzled her lightly. "It's good to see you again." Castiel settled for saying just that, though it didn't even begin to describe how he felt in that moment. His world had been righted. Though many of his siblings were not present, more of his family was here than he had seen in seasons. And Amia was here too. He could not have asked for more.

With that thought in his mind, Castiel would again turn his golden gaze towards the blue eyed girl, shifting his weight slightly to be closer to her. "Are you all right?" His voice was soft, little more than a whisper as he examined her. Castiel would have to be a fool to not notice that something was wrong with her - though he still was not sure what. Still, something about Amia was often just a little off, and Castiel was worried. He would destroy whatever it was, Castiel was certain, as soon as he knew what it was.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.