



05-14-2013, 07:13 PM

Nnoitra would listen with undivided patience. He would be patient and wait for her tom completely finish speaking. Not a single word went unnoticed. Every emotion, every movement, anything at all. It was all calculated into his brain. He'd taken note so he could judge the truth behind her words. He believed her. Kaien had made the mistake of letting them all get lazy, so she obviously had taken to Morphine just as she'd taken to him. Morphine was now seen as a threat though. That would prove to be problematic, especially since he had taken over with Desdemona. He didn't want any of those repercussions put on to him because of any feud she had with the gigantic Queen that ruled beside him.

"It pleases me to hear you'll stay Viridiana. Your experience with Tortuga is welcomed here, as is your presence. You happen to be one of the wolves I'm more fond of."

The male had no problem playing favorites. He took a liking to very few, but those who he did enjoy the company of it was obvious. He spent his time lingering with them when he wasn't keeping to himself. Now he was forced to interact with all once more, which was fine, but not exactly appreciated. There were some idiots that he just didn't want to socialize with at all.

He had to think of something for her to do. Anything. There was something lingering in his mind, but he knew for sure she wouldn't do it. Instead he would have to find another task for her to do. It couldn't be any more Beta duties considering Desdemona had stripped them of their ranks. If she truly wanted rank back though she would work for it. They had grown lazy. Work would do them well. Viri certainly had skill. He had faith in her. She was an assassin as well though. He had to think of a task for her to accomplish. He had every intention of wavering her loyalties from Morphine completely back upon himself. Morphine's influence would do nothing but poison her now that she was stated an enemy of Tortuga.

"Ignore killing Cyanide for now. I have every intention of speaking with the woman if allowed. I'm curious as to why she did it. If it doesn't go well then I shall allow you to kill her. Until then I may have another task for you, if you are willing."

He paused for a moment to let his words sink in. He was sure she would do whatever he threw at her. This one wouldn't be killing anybody. Not this time, but it was important all the same.

"I want you to go to Seracia and speak with their leader. I want to know our standings with them. Desdemona is going to Valhalla to set up the treaty. Mind you it isn't an alliance, just something that says we won't fuck with you and you won't fuck with us. With the other packs such as Seracia I would like information, and if it'd be beneficial to form anything. I myself will be going to Ludicael to gain intell and possibly form an alliance, therefore making it harder for Valhalla to try and kick our ass. I apologize it's not an assassination job, but for now it's all I can bring up. In the future though I will certainly need your services my dear."

The man would offer her a wink and a small smile as he waited for her answer. If she declined he would merely go himself, but that would mean it would take more time. At least if she went it would help her standings with Desdemona. It would mean she had a greater possibility of earning her rank back.
