
Look who's back


05-14-2013, 07:16 PM

His black eyes narrowed as he walked across the land. Something was not right, the air seemed to shift and his gut was leading him to this part of the pack lands. What, or who could be causing this, he did not know but he was not going to let this be. As he came closer to where he was going a scent filled his nostrils. Familiar, very familiar, it was no other than his mate Fetisha. His tail swayed slightly with joy, but his face kept that usual serious look.

Ulrike walked closer to his love, then another scent hit him, Nnoitra. His black pools soon came into the sight of the other two. He walked closer to them, Ulrike had a lot of questions for Fetisha. That would have to wait for another time. "Well look who it is." He spoke with a slight grin on his face. He walked closer to her and nuzzled her gently. He did miss her, and she just vanished. "Where have you been Fetisha, Xenios is almost two and i had to raise her by my self. I am not complaining, but it got tired some trying to explain to her where her mother had gone. But no fret Fetisha we can talk about this later. I am glad that you are back.

Ulrike turned to Nnoitra and gave a friendly nod. "Hello again my friend.Good to see you. I have noticed that you been busy of late with the whole new rank change. I hope that is not stressing you out my friend." Ulrike stood there, His eyes landed upon his hind left leg. It begun to shoot some pain but as fast as it came, it just left.
