
The Only Exception



5 Years
09-04-2014, 03:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2014, 03:49 PM by Misha.)

The contractions started early in the morning, waking the girl up with a sharp pain. The arctic ground squirrel felt her stirring and bolted awake, close to the girl's side. "Lassy.. Are ye alright?" He would ask her in a soft tone, knowing that she could be giving birth to her's and Winter's pups soon. "Uhh, yeah. I'm fine.." Misha would say in a weak tone, pulling herself up next to the ship she had met Winter, the S.S. Antiox. A long wave of pain would hit her, making the girl's head spin. She would wince in pain, shoving the squirrel over. "Sven.. Move.. Over." She would say in a breathless tone, her voice a rasp. Sven would move next to her stomach, placing his small hands onto her belly. "Don't worry, Lassy.. I'm here." He would tell her softly, patting her stomach. Misha's eyes would swell up with tears, the girl choking a sob. "Winter.. I can't do this without Winter." She layed on her side and rested her head on the snow, crying softly to herself. "Lass- Misha.. You need to do this, please." Sven's voice would cry out, pleading out. She would sniffle and lift up her head, another wave of pain washing over her. This one was focused onto her abdomen. "They're coming," she would pant out, a whine escaping her lips. "Push Misha, push!" She would obey the male's words immediately, pushing down from her abdomen. She would feel something slither out from between her legs, lifting her head to watch the animal land onto the soft snow. She would pull it close to her with her muzzle, licking the small pup. Her heart would stop as she would catch her breath and perk her ears, listening for any sign of life within the pup. "Misha.. Is it?" Sven would ask her in a soft whisper, sitting himself down onto the snow. "N-no. She can't be.. Dead. She can't be!" She would cry out, licking the small, lifeless pup once again. Yet, her pup would stay lifeless.. She had given birth to a stillborn.. The small, female pup was dead. "Misha, I'm.. I'm so sorry," Sven would tell her, his voice holding pain as well. "Wuhh?" She would gasp as one more pup would come out from between her legs, this one being a male. She would quickly pull the male to her side and begin licking it, her tears falling onto his lifeless body. "No.. Please don't be dead, please don't be." She would hold her breath as she nuzzled the small pup. Though, his skin was cold, showing no signs of life. Her heart was broken. The pups that had been so excited for, was willing to give the world to them, were dead.. They had never entered the world alive. Her eyes would swell up with tears, but she would hold them back. She had to be strong. The girl turned her head to the starry night sky and opened her maw. "I'm sorry.." She would whisper up into the sky, dropping her head in shame, sniffling. Sven would scamper over to her and hug her around her neck. "Lassy.. What are ye sorry fer? None of this is yer fault. Misha please dunn blame yerself." Oh, but she already had.. She blamed herself for losing Winter, and now losing the pups. She kept her maw shut and closed her eyes, resting her head against the snow white ground. All her fault. She couldn't even give birth properly.. Much less sustain the own life within her pups.
(OOC; Uggh. Rusty post. But, practically Misha's miscarriage. Anyone is welcome, but she needs comforting words more than anything else. My rp will improve, I promise xD I'm just a widdle bit off.)