
Testing boundaries


10-21-2014, 09:43 AM

It was so boring in the den. Ever since Hera opened her silver eyes she had been exploring every inch of the average sized den, often getting in trouble for getting into Momma's herbs. She bugged her sister and mom constantly to play with her, playing games like making Aura a deer she's stalking or pretending Momma was a big beast she had to fight and protect Aura from. It was fun for a while, but she was running out of new plots to play out within the earthen walls of their den. She frequently disobeyed Momma's rules and poked her head out of the den, peering out into the wide open world around them for a moment before she got caught. But today she was hopeful! She woke up, her eyes immediately wide open and awake. She hopped up, shaking out her pale coat and bouncing around the den. She whined when she realized Momma was already gone, her ears falling back in disappointment. She wanted to ask to go outside! She hopped over to the entrance, carefully peaking out to see if Momma was around.

Not seeing her, her tail wagged excitedly and she bounced back over to where Aura was laying, poking her sister's side with her forepaw. "Ar! Ar! C'mon, lets go out," she whispered excitedly, wiggling with energy. "Momma's not here, she won' know!"
