
The Only Exception


09-04-2014, 04:12 PM

The gray male was walking, trying to find a place that his brother's pack could claim, when he smelt wolf, the breeze on the air. There was something else as well, the smell of blood and pups, tinged with the smell of death, and Wael raced along to a smaller female. The death scent was not the female. It was the pups laying at her side, and Wael stared at them. He did not know the female, but he lowered his head, licking the female, nudging her cold body. His blue eyes watered with tears, and he stared at the female. He could say nothing, but moved closer to her. He was quiet, his voice a little raspy from the pain that he felt, seeing the pups laying there. If he felt that much pain, imagine what the mother felt like. The male moved even closer to the female, sitting next to her.

He glanced at the brown female a few times, before he managed to speak, his voice soft. "I-I'm sorry. I know you probably want to be l-left alone, but I couldn't let you....." The male paused, glancing quickly at the pups. He spoke again, and stared down at the female. "My name's Wael. We haven't met at the best time, but it's still nice to meet you." He would have smiled, if not for the situation. Instead, he spoke of the hallucination. "If it makes you feel any better, I've seen a hallucination since I was born."

"They took care of me, and now I'm pretty well better. My siblings. Now I'll stay by your side until you get better." Without another word, he picked up the pups and carried them outside.
