
Girl to Girl (Val-Fawks)



3 Years
09-04-2014, 05:02 PM

The howl would ring out, crystalline in the dead summer air. It's voice was foreign but Valeriya had no trouble distinguishing that it was born of a fae. She would rise halt in her paces, considering a moment before striking a course more westerly than she had before. Rabbits could wait, but a stranger at the border might not. The young girl had been busy since her ascension, but she had found it to be a pleasant sort of occupied. Certain tasks were easier than others, but it had not been until she'd fallen asleep in her mother's old den that she realized just how much she had missed home. Her heart was still sick for the wayward ex-queen, just as she longed to see Sigmarr and Sindri once more, even Svetlana. They all had so much they needed to work out between them. But, she had allowed her mind to get sidetracked. With a deep breath, Valeriya forged forwards to meet whoever had beckoned her.

Finally, in the distance, the silhouette of another broke the horizon. Valeriya's ears perked as she began to take on it's build. Slender, she thought. And pleasant. It was a relief to know that it wasn't some snarling hulk of a beast she would have to treat with. Not that Valeriya would ever turn away from a fight, only she'd had a long day already, and it would be nice to just have a normal conversation for once in her still-short life. "Hello," she would call out from a distance. "I am Valeriya, Queen of Ebon-" Her words froze in her throat. The woman's appearance was clear to her now and it was hauntingly familiar in it's strangeness. That mask, the hues... She had never seen another wolf besides her family bear them, and her mother had told them all about their lineage. What exactly was going on here? The shock locked up her limbs, and Valeriya froze, waiting for this familiar stranger to explain herself.

"Talk" "You" Think