
How You Remind Me



05-14-2013, 07:33 PM

Her words didn't give him an answer. She would question him as to why he had chosen her. Pester him about his decision. She knew he had reason behind it. She was smarter than the average female. Had he chosen anyone else he was positive there would have been little to no questions. They would have just thrown themselves at the opportunity to carry his seed. She on the other hand, this was another reason he enjoyed her presence, and had chosen her for this job. She thought before making rash decisions, just like he did. She was intelligent and he liked that about her. For now though he would continue to feed her ego as she suggested.

"You are wise my dear. More intelligent than most and fit into the higher class of beings like myself. You use your brain unlike the majority of fools that walk upon this earth. Any spawn of yours are likely to turn out the same, especially if both parents are alike in that aspect. Another addition is you truly are a lovely creature. Tall, slender, pitch black, and with darling green eyes. Children of yours would surely be beautiful."

Words were blunt and truthful, but this time he made sure to throw a little extra at her. Bolster her confidence and feed her ravenous ego. He couldn't help it, but none of what he said was lies. He wouldn't trick her. She wasn't someone he wanted to piss off. He intended to fully win her over by what was real, not with falsities.

"If you were to comply any children born would be chosen as Tortuga's next rulers if they show potential, which I'm sure they would, and I certainly wouldn't leave you to raise them alone. If anything as soon as they were weaned I would take them on by myself if needed. I would just need you to give birth to them, obviously, because I'm not female."

A light chuckle was given at his last words. It was no fun if there wasn't a few humorous jokes thrown out there. He couldn't help but lighten the mood a bit. He wasn't one for letting tension run in the air, or even giving it the chance to. Of course this subject was a tedious one. Regardless he had a feeling she would comply. His reasons were justified and he would offer her any reward she wished in return.

"In return I offer you anything within my power to give in return for this favor."
