
Alliance for Secretua


09-04-2014, 10:47 PM

Next on her list brought her close to old Covari lands. She never thought that she would be back here. Standing at the border, she got the idea that the pack was small, only a few distinct smells filling her nostrils. Without hesitation she would tip her back and call once again for the Alpha of this pack. So far things had gone smoothly, the previous pack having been very kind. Haunches would recline, her travels beginning to wear on her. Her paws ached and she wanted nothing more than to sleep for like a week. Thoughts still plagued her mind as she wondered how she was going to tell Cru about her unexpected pregnancy. It still brought a smile to her face when she recalled that day. It had been a day that changed everything. He had announced that he loved her. Giddiness still sent a shiver down her spine. Now she was going to be a mother. She would need to find Falk, and Maija. She knew that both would be shocked. Maija would probably be as upset as Ekko secretly was. Falk...well he was her brother. Amusement danced across her features as her thoughts swirled around in her mind. She waited patiently, listening for the sounds of an approaching wolf.
