
simmer down and pucker up



4 Years
09-04-2014, 11:04 PM

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy

Long legs carried a magnificent form made of shining pale silver onto the beach, and mismatched optics scanned over the terrain. Well, it was a whole lot better than the rest of the islands she'd been swimming between to get here. There were trees and things in the distance, which promised food that wasn't coming directly from the ocean. As it was, fish became very bland when it was the only meal eaten for longer than a week. Shaking out her thick coat, the femme let out a sigh and trotted onward. Part of her was tired and desired a nice, long nap in the midday sun, but the rest of her wanted to see what this island was like. Soon, pale sand became hard packed earth under her large paws. Her steel dipped banner swung to and fro across her hocks, while she drank in the area all around her. The trees and shrubbery were a welcome break from the monotonous palm trees and white sand she'd been surrounded by for so long after she'd left the last continent. The sounds of birds that were far from tropical formed a comforting ambiance, allowing her a little time to drift into her own mind and think about her travels.
It had been a while since she'd left the lands reigned over by the Xanilov line, and she wasn't really even sure if that line still reigned there. As soon as the fighting became a regular thing, she'd decided to get the hell out of dodge and find somewhere a little more stable. Now, here she was. Far away as she could get herself so far from where the war had been raging, and was probably still raging. The sunlight was falling through the canopies overhead and dappling the forest floor beneath it, which was so relaxing it was goading the giantess to simply lay down in the sunshine and go to sleep. It was tempting, oh so very tempting. Especially after her long swim. The ground underfoot gave off the faint aroma of the earth, and the quiet melodies of the songbirds were lulling. Besides, it wasn't like she only had a limited time here. She could always explore some more later on. Finally, with the suns rays coalescing over her storm splattered pelt, she decided she'd find somewhere to sleep for a little while.

Pale orbs scanned over the terrain, catching a darkened blot in between the trunks of the trees. That looked interesting. With a smooth direction change, her crown fell between her shoulders while she approached the hunkered form just a few hundred feet away from her. It was a structure made of trees, similar to the old cabins that had been scattered over the territory she used to roam. With a small smile playing at her lips, the familiar human structure coaxed her in. She stepped up the rickety, caving stairs, toes padded by moss that was slowly taking over the expanse. Crossing the porch, she was announced by the loud creaking of the warped wooden boards. Muzzle tucked toward her chest, and her forehead butted against the door, hanging from a single hinge and just barely ajar. It squealed like a stuck pig as it slowly opened under her assault, and she stepped through into the room without a sound. She looked around, drinking in the emerald green moss that was beginning to consume the innards of the building- climbing the walls and forming mats across large portions of the floor. Tattered skins were being devoured by mould all around the room, on the floor and on the bed. It was perfect, and rather homey. Plodding happily toward the huge bed, supported by moss and vine entrapped wooden poles, she reared up and dropped her large forepaws onto the quilt. So soft. A delighted sound escaped her mouth, that could have been considered a purr, but sounded a little like a growl.
Leaping up onto the bed, the angry sound of cracking wood filled the air around her. Bicoloured pools widened in surprise as three of the supports splintered like toothpicks under the sudden, albeit quite hefty, shift in mass. When the cacophony died down, she was left standing atop a bed that stood at an odd angle. With a small shrug, she curled up without a real care and let out a joyous sigh. It was like laying on a cloud. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she was quick to drift off into dreams.
