
straight stuntin' like that



6 Years
09-05-2014, 06:18 PM

The light slate colored miss seemed apologetic, lowering her head to Azalea. Azalea would state her crime and appeal with her options. Really, Azalea didn't expect her to join and it was rather unconventional. This stranger could prove completely and utterly useless in Ethereal and then she would be forced to get rid of her.

The intruder seemed to be thinking, going over the possibilities laid before her. She had to choose one as Azalea was blocking her only viable exit.

The last option definitely made the woman frown, Azalea fighting the urge to smile a bit cruelly. "Well, joining seems like it'd be okay..." She would raise her shoulders, letting them drop in a motion that seemed indifferent.

"Though I don't have any valuable skills to offer. I'm a fast runner though, and I'm pretty good at tracking, finding things and all that." The pale eyed wolf would seat herself heavily as Azalea evaluated her words, giving her another once over. Tracking ability suggested a worth in the hunting department but her overall tone said to the Empress that she really did not care. Perhaps Azalea was making a mistake.

Amber eyes flit to the steel colored tail on the now perspective member, noting how it seemed to always move. "I'll make it up to you though, I always keep to my oaths." Azalea seemed to be getting thrown back and forth, debating her choice.

She decided to let things ride out, nodding and smiling back lightly. "In which case, welcome home. If you would be interested, you could train to be a hunter? Your tracking ability would be put to good use there. If not... hmmm.. there's a teaching rank but that's more for elder wolves with real world experience... do you like children, perhaps you could be an Orator, a storyteller?" She was thoughtful, her body language and tone friendly now.

"Ethereal is a pack for realizing yourself. Where you can rise above your past and create your own future. Be the best that you can be. We are a united force, being reliable and standing up for those that are being wronged." She gave a brief oversight of the pack. Azalea wanted this to be a place where they took no bullshit. Ethereal would be a place to stand strong.

"Oh, you're name. What is it?"