
oh i'd dance on that fine ass anytime



5 Years
09-05-2014, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2014, 02:42 PM by Aldoro.)

The young man, a bit frustrated and bored since Indarra had fizzled and had been claimed, crawled out of his large ditch that was located casually behind his den. He emerged to a dark night sky, those pretty little stars littered across the beautiful display. But Aldoro just snorted softly and allowed his paws to carry him forward, jaws parting wide into a deep yawn. Earlier he had taken a nice long nap near the evening. He was sure he slept for about three hours like a lazy dragon guarding a princess and stopping all who came forth with a single breath of fire. But he wasn't guarding any princess. The only thing he was guarding was himself and his privacy.

Pft, was else would the obsidian man have to guard?! His fake little spirit of Six and his pups following him around? Haha...right. They could take care of themselves. Those pups were his spawns. They were strong, like him. Alongside Six. Plus...they were merely ghosts in reality. But in his little mind he was always talking to Six and his pups. Sometimes he even told stories...and sometimes, he attempted to please Six. Make her feel like that one night...yeah. He didn't care if anyone stopped by and saw him...making love with the air. Six was there. And the pups were curled into their little den nearby.
The black fiend eventually wound up here, in the col. Where he and Six met. Hm. His favorite place...surprisingly, it was raining pretty hard here. He remembered when it was snowing back then...and it was pretty cold. So this water he was practically transparent to. Paws would move through the wet mountain pass, two-tone eyes gazing through the charcoal air. Finally the boy found himself flopped down onto the wet earth, curled up, chin rested up on his scarred tail. Maybe he'd sleep here for a little while...or maybe he could go fetch something to eat once the rain stopped...
i'm speaking LISTEN UP