
Slavery is a crime[Joining]


05-14-2013, 09:05 PM

Desdemona would survey the male before her silently, giving him her full attention, he seemed to look at her with almost reverence, mild worship, she resisted the urge to let out a soft chortle at such a notion. She was a far cry from a savior, her past was drenched crimson, a river of blood that spanned far too long. His words were polite, respectful, honorable... if not a little straightforward in their delivery. She could see no ill intent in his posture nor in his tones... but had he been trained? Or were these merely skills he had picked up alone? Many rogues were left to their own devices with little to no training, Desdemona could work with that, but she needed to know.

"Where do you come from Dragneel? Do these skills you boast of have formal training to back them?" Her inquiry would fall with curiosity in her tones, she wasn't biting or demanding, merely straightforward. She had no desire to steal any souls from a different pack, they needed no more drama like Luce and Neo. She wanted his answers and he seemed more than eager to give them too her, perhaps she would make a half way decent ruler yet.
