
Girl to Girl (Val-Fawks)



3 Years
09-06-2014, 08:28 AM

Even as the woman admitted her age, two full years older than Valeriya herself, the auburn Queen couldn't help but notice that she was the taller of the two... if not by much. Still it brought a tiny smile to her face as she led the other woman deeper into the woods that surrounded the lake. Her cousin, huh? Valeriya let that settle in her mind, tasted the feel of it. To think she had more family directly related to her than just her siblings and mother was a strange thing, but far from unpleasant. "Well, along with myself, Raisa had five children. But... We've had some trouble," she admitted quietly. "Mother is missing. Because of that fact, earlier this year her lover attempted to take us from Ebony and raise us in her own pack. I was out looking for Raisa and so avoided her grasp, but the others were not so lucky. When we came of age, Virgil let the others go, but only one brother and one sister came home. Sindri and Sigmarr are missing now too, and my sister did not like that I claimed the throne, never mind that I was born before her." Valeriya let out a long sigh, and realized for the first time that she'd shared rather sensitive information with a complete stranger. "Er, I just want you to know what you're facing," she said quickly. "If you want a place to rest for a few days or even if you'd like to make a home here you're welcome to it! Of course. Only, it's not perfect," she finished her flustered speech quietly.

"Talk" "You" Think