
The youth is naive , wisdom is what we need.


05-14-2013, 09:06 PM

The brute would fall easily into step beside her and this, at least, pleased the Vecaan. She thought better when her blood was pumping, allowing her to move freely and without inhibition. Her words no matter how blunt, seemed to earn a hint of his respect. She was glad he had come to her, she did not wish to be perceived as ruthless, nor cruel. If her subjects, the souls she had now sworn to protect were handicapped in anyway, she would wish to know. She needed their strengths and their weaknesses.

His words would surprise her, but she was quick to mask it, he had been a lead hunter? With a poor leg? She understood where he was coming from, and she could understand his wish to remain an important player in this pack, but she had an easy solution to such a problem, a solution she had given hint too in the pack meeting. His words were mildly hostile and her gaze would narrow, but no other sign of displeasure would mar her features.

"You ask for a respected, honorable rank. A rank looked up to, modeled after by the rest of this pack. I am not beyond reason but my decisions for hosting this tournament is quite simple. We are viewed as weak, insipid, and unworthy of even being spat upon, that only changes through meticulous planning and proof of our dedication. Kaien and Morphine have left this pack in disarray and on the brink of war. I intend to change that. I cannot guarntee you such a high rank, but you needn't prove yourself in combat to earn the title back. Once I decide my seconds, there will be a series of... games shall we call them, to help me place the rest of Tortuga into appropriate positions of power. Fishing, hunting, agility, speed, endurance... Whoever impresses Nnoitra and myself the most will be given the lead positions. However... I appreciate your loyalty and your dedication to Tortuga, and even if you do not reinherit your position, I will honor these qualities and offer you a rank that commends them. Does that suffice for now?"
